Reconciliation Week 

Some email marketing services for NRW. Services provided by Ms. Afrika Abney

Flyers posted widely on social media. 

 "The NRW is designed to help individuals and families heal from the emotional, mental and physical trauma of estrangement; to teach them effective methods of self and familial care, which would reduce the potential of recurrence of previous trauma; offer effective tools for developing and maintaining whole, healthy, stable relationships both personal and familial, including providing the framework for successful co-parenting; and to better equip them in creating a new post-pandemic normal.

The presenters believe reconciliation is a journey—not a destination. It requires a deliberate and purposeful effort to yield positive empowering results. "

From May 6, 2020 - June 5, 2020, Ms. Afrika Abney provided services for Reconciliation Week. A year later, she has provided services for Reconciliation Week from March 25, 2021 - June 3, 2021. Ms. Abney previously provided services for Reconciliation Week 2022 from January 24, 2022 - June 2, 2022. 

"Reconciliation Week Created by Esther Productions Inc.the National Reconciliation Week: For Self & Family has been designed to: