The Gift: An Interactive Arts Healing and Reconciliation Experience

Some photography by Ms. Afrika Abney 

THE GIFT: An Interactive Arts Healing and Reconciliation Experience 

Reeves Center on October 20, 2015 

New York Avenue Presbyterian Church on October 15, 2016 and October 21, 2017

Ms. Afrika Abney provided services for THE GIFT: An Interactive Arts Healing and Reconciliation Experience which took place at the Reeves Center on October 20, 2015 and at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church on October 15, 2016 and October 21, 2017. Some of the services included flyer design, email marketing, online flyer dissemination, social media marketing, press release dissemination, and event photography. Other duties furnished upon request. 

THE GIFT: An Interactive Arts Healing and Reconciliation Experience has been designed for anyone, ages 18 and older, who has suffered a traumatic loss–the death of a child, break up of a valued relationship, or father abandonment—and has had a difficult time trying to recover or stabilize their life. It uses literature, dance and visual arts to establish a safe and supportive environment for participants to identify the material and emotional impact of their loss. Further, they are aided in the development of a plan to significantly address previously unexpressed grief and anger.  It was one of the programs that Esther Productions, Inc has hosted from 2015 - 2017.