Breaking Through Power

Flyer posted widely on social media by Ms. Afrika Abney. 

Ms. Afrika Abney disseminated many flyers that announced Breaking Through Power in 2016. This is an old photo of her and Ms. Abney gave away the clothes, purse, jewelry and sunglasses shown in the below photo.

She was hired by Mr. Ralph Nader in May 2016 to provide consulting services for Breaking Through Power. For more information about Breaking Through Power - and

Ms. Abney was introduced to him by Empower DC. 

Ms. Afrika Abney was hired by Ralph Nader in May 2016 to provide consulting services for Breaking Through Power. For more information about Breaking Through Power - and

Breaking Through Power: How it’s Done—May 23, 2016

Breaking Through Power: The Media—May 24, 2016

Breaking Through Power: War—May 25, 2016 was dedicated to enhancing the waging of peace over the waging of war.

Breaking Through Power: Congress—May 26, 2016, unveil a new Civic Agenda to be advanced by engaged and enraged citizens in each Congressional district.