Finding Herself - Part 2

Email Marketing Services for Part 2 of Finding Herself -- Soaring Sisters Circle

Services provided by Ms. Afrika Abney 

Ms. Afrika Abney provided services for Part 2 of Soaring Sisters Circle, Finding Herself from February 12, 2022 - February 17, 2022

Esther Productions, Inc. is dedicated to using a variety of vehicles—traditional and nontraditional—to develop communities throughout the United States and Europe. It was created in 2004 by Jonetta Rose Barras, award-winning journalist and author of Whatever Happened to Daddy’s Little Girl? -  

The Thought Center, LLC -  Dr. Rose Shelton 

Rose Shelton, PhD, NCC, LCPC, C. Ht. leads an introductory session and two workshops that will help participants establish that inner identity and core that will help them heal and soar.


Dr. Rose Shelton is a licensed and nationally certified professional counselor. She holds a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from Capella University with a focus in multicultural theory and social justice advocacy competency. She has published three books: In the Morning When I Rise - a story about Rose’s daughter’s death to a rare kidney cancer and Rose’s self-discovery; I Am She, a tutorial for women’s self-defining; Law of First Thought, a powerful awakening to understanding the mind, identity, and healthy evolution.

Mar 19, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

online event

The COVID-19 pandemic and all of its associations have disrupted lives, leaving many without the physical, emotional or spiritual balance critical for moving forward. Rose Shelton, PhD, NCC, LCPC, C. Ht. continues her workshop series designed to help participants establish an inner core that will allow them to heal and soar.

Dr. Rose Shelton is a licensed and nationally certified professional counselor. She holds a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision from Capella University with a focus in multicultural theory and social justice advocacy competency. Dr. Rose uses a number of approaches from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Humanistic Therapy, Psychodynamics to Hypnosis to assist clients in working through current conflicts in life and bringing about their desired outcomes. She has published three books: In the Morning When I Rise - a story about Rose’s daughter’s death to a rare kidney cancer and Rose’s self-discovery; I Am She,a tutorial for women’s self-defining; Law of First Thought, a powerful awakening to understanding the mind, identity, and healthy evolution.

The session will be in two parts: 

1) I Am That, but What is That. How many times have you pondered that age-old question: Who am I? Get ready for a deeper exploration of your identity that will have you starting an intentional, exciting journey to Self with a road map for greater success in your personal and professional life.

 2) Navigating Your Ship.  Put in action the information from Part 1. Learn how to navigate a more centered and empowered life by rewriting your personal narratives with Self in mind.


Press release prepared by Ms. Afrika Abney