Book Promotions

Since 2007, Ms. Afrika Abney has had the pleasure of promoting various authors by writing book reviews and preparing media kits.  However, in 2020, She promoted several books written by women authors such as Joy Jones, Fearless Public Speaking, Ms. Stephanie Mickle, Follow the Leader and Ms. Jonetta Rose Barras, Whatever Happened to Daddy's Little Girl? 

She has promoted these books online via social media. The book promotions were related to various events hosted by Esther Productions, Inc. Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus pandemic the events were cancelled. 

In 2022, Kaleidoscope was released by Esther Productions, Inc.   

About the book

In this groundbreaking book, published by Esther Productions Inc, edited by Jonetta Rose Barras and Esther Productions, Inc. Books, two dozen girls ages 14 through 17 tell their personal stories about the impact of father absence on their lives.

Info - 202-829-0591

Esther Productions, Inc. is dedicated to using a variety of vehicles—traditional and nontraditional—to develop communities throughout the United States and Europe. 

KALEIDOSCOPE: WOMEN OF COLOR REFLECTING ON LIFE “Kaleidoscope is a particularly accurate name for this group,” write award-winning author Joy Jones in her introduction. “A kaleidoscope is made of cracker and jagged pieces of glass…It is these broken edges that allow us to see something beautiful and new.


“Experience this poetic kaleidoscope and be transformed.”



Beverly Sims, Blanche Thomas, Betty Nyangoni, Rosalind Blunt, Kanimozhi MV, Sharon Burton, Lesa Warrick and jonetta rose barras


Purchase your copy now: $15.00


All proceeds are used to fund additional poetry workshops for girls and women 13 and older.