Me, Myself and Our Story: A Creative Writing Institute

Flyers posted widely on social media. Services provided by Ms. Afrika Abney 

Me, Myself and Our Story: Creative Writing Institute for Young Ladies Aged 15 through 19 is a free course led by professional and published writers. The city and its population will serve as the prime classroom. Participants during this first semester of the Institute will discover the poetry around them and the poet in them. 

This six-week ART OF POETRY WRITING course is for individuals who want to learn the basics of formal poetry writing as well as those seeking to master their style and strengthen their voice. 

The lead instructor is award-winning poet and author jonetta rose barras. She has published two collections of poetry and appears in numerous journals and anthologies.

The first session took place on February 10, 2024 via Zoom. 

The second session scheduled for February 24, 2024. 

Some email marketing services for the Me, Myself and Our Story: A Creative Writing Institute in Poetry,Short Story and Memoir Writing. Services provided by Ms. Afrika Abney 

From January 8, 2024 - February 5, 2024, Ms. Afrika Abney provided services for the Me, Myself and Our Story: A Creative Writing Institute in Poetry,Short Story and Memoir Writing. Information about the event was posted widely on social media and sent via email to schools, community organizations, youth and parent groups. Listed in, Events Near Here,, Afro, Washington Informer, Washington Family Magazine and Popville


Flyer created by Ms. Afrika Abney 

Me, Myself and Our Story: A Creative Writing Institute 

Feb 10, 2024

10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST

Location Changed to Zoom 

Esther Productions Inc. is presenting a professional creative writing institute providing instruction in poetry, fiction and memoir writing. Course of study will provide six weeks of focus and instruction on each topic. That is six weeks of poetry, six weeks of fiction and six weeks of memoir writing.  The Institute is for young ladies 15-19 years old who have an interest in creative writing. The first session will be in poetry. Students should be prepared to attend all six sessions. Registration is required; seating is limited. So register now! 

For more information: write to 

Please note these workshops are only for young ladies aged 15-19.

Esther Productions, Inc. is dedicated to using a variety of vehicles—traditional and nontraditional—to develop communities throughout the United States and Europe. It was created in 2004 by Jonetta Rose Barras, award-winning journalist and author of Whatever Happened to Daddy’s Little Girl?  

It is a non-profit organization that empowers young women and girls to heal from past familial trauma and tension.  

From February 13, 2024 - February 24, 2024, Ms. Afrika Abney provided services for the second session of Me, Myself and Our Story: Creative Writing Institute for Young Ladies.Information about the event was posted widely on social media and sent via email to schools, community organizations, youth and parent groups. 

Feb 24, 2024, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST

Washington, 125 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC 20017, USA--Room 230

Me, Myself and Our Story: Creative Writing Institute for Young Ladies Aged 15 through 19 is a free course led by professional and published writers.

This six-week ART OF POETRY WRITING course is for individuals who want to learn the basics of formal poetry writing as well as those seeking to master their style and strengthen their voice. 
