Disclaimer: As with all personal/social topics, some of this content may be sensitive for students and families. Please speak with your parents/guardians for guidance when navigating the public education and support resources below.

 Attending school online requires both time online as well as time offline to successfully complete required lessons. However, some students find the amount of time required to be in front of a computer daunting.

Our online courses also require students to work independently offline with their textbooks and other educational materials. This work requires the oversight of a dedicated Learning Coach, especially when students are in the early elementary and middle school years.

Students used to a traditional school setting may have to adjust to not having a teacher standing in front of them for immediate feedback. On the other hand, teacher management of distractions occurring in traditional classrooms is removed, so that the online teacher can address each student’s need on a dedicated basis. Here are some tips for staying focused in an online environment.

Thanks to OHVA Student, C. Fry for this informative and helpful video for fellow online students and families!

Thanks to OHVA parent, Mrs. Dutcher, for this informative and helpful video to fellow learning coaches and parents!

Silent classroom fidgets are good for keeping minds focused, here are some examples:

*If you believe you (or your student) are struggling with obstacles to academic success that may require additional services or support, such as a learning disability, please contact your (or your student's) homeroom teacher ASAP. They will make a referral to our 504 coordinator, or Special Education Department/School Psychologist, as appropriate. 

How to Block Websites from the Browser



About Parental Controls

K12 provides McAfee Web Protection on K12 -provided computers. McAfee Web Protection is a web filtering software that prohibits students from going to unsafe sites. 

Parents are also able to block specific websites from within their browser. Please follow steps below for each browser type that the student uses. Blocking a site in one browser will not block the site when the student switches to a different browser. 






Internet Explorer

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