State Testing Information

Ohio Virtual Academy is a state-funded public charter school and as such, students are required by the state of Ohio to participate in state testing. By accepting state funds for schooling, students and parents agree to participate in required state testing. This is agreed upon when enrollment takes place at Ohio Virtual Academy, as it is outlined in our enrollment materials, handbooks, and compacts. By breaking these agreed upon contracts and refusing to participate in state testing, students can be withdrawn from OHVA and asked to return to their home school district by the Ohio Department of Education. You can read more here:


 state TESTING 


Information for Middle School Students taking Pre-High School credit and CCP courses may differ slightly. Please contact your school counselor for those questions.

Please email your advisor, teacher and/or School Counselor with any questions or concerns about your testing schedule. In the coming weeks students/families will be contacted through email and phone by our testing administrator and/or teachers regarding testing locations, times and dates. If you need to test, you will be contacted. 

Student practice tests available here:

ELA Practice Test

Math Practice test  

Testing Information for Middle School Students 

taking Pre/Early High School Credit Courses

Middle School students taking Pre-High School credit core courses or College Credit Plus (CCP) equivalent courses in: English 10, Algebra I, Geometry, US History, Government, and/or Biology may and/or will (depending on circumstances) be asked to take the corresponding, standardized, End-of-Course (EOC) state exams associated with that subject for graduation points.

Don't have a state identification card? Need to order a student ID? Click the link below! 

Does testing make you nervous?  No worries! We can help!

 Check out these awesome resources: