Family Resources

The family resource pages is a place to explore different oppportunties and resources available to support our OHVA parents and learnng coaches.

Syntero Virtual Summer Programming 2024.pdf

*As a reminder, OHVA's student handbook states:  "In any instance where technical difficulties are a problem with your school-supplied computer or other hardware or software, it is required that the learning coach contact K12 technical support immediately at 866.512.2273 so qualified technicians can assist in resolving your problem. A student or parent must request the name of the technician and the ticket number and report them to the academic advisor (HS) or teacher (K-8) within 24 hours. Computer problems are not valid reasons for seeking extended time on assignments or test due dates or as a reason why a student has not been working in his/her assigned courses or attending class connect sessions. In order to stay on target with assignment due dates, all students are required to seek alternative ways to access the Internet, such as a library or family member’s computer. The computer is your classroom and it needs to be available every school day. "