Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships

Disclaimer: As with all personal/social topics, some of this content may be sensitive for students and families. Please speak with your parents/guardians for guidance when navigating the public education and support resources below.

Healthy Friendships/Relationships vs. Unhealthy Friendships/Relationships

In healthy friendships and relationships, people can feel safe, respected and accepted for who they are. In unhealthy friendsdhips and relationships, people may feel anxious, confused, uncertain and even unsafe. Knowing these differences can help you make choices about who you involve in your life and for how long. Find out more with the information and resources below!

Signs of a healthy friendship/relationship:

Signs of a unhealthy friendship/relationship:

While it’s common to fight or bicker in most friendships or relationships, sometimes these can become toxic and leave a person feeling insecure or scared.

Here are some signs of an unhealthy relationship:

See example below of having a "good" conversation that is mutually respectful and interesting to both people involved. 

Be sure you are speaking to others in this way, and that others are speaking to you in this way!