LGBTQIA+ Resources

Disclaimer: As with all personal/social topics, some of this content may be sensitive for students and families. Please speak with your parents/guardians for guidance when navigating the public education and support resources below.

The Middle School Gender and Sexuality Alliance bring together LGBTQIA+ students and allies to support each other, provide a safe place to socialize, and create a platform to fight for racial, gender, LGBTQ, and economic justice. The MS GSA aims to provide fellowship and fun both online and at face-to-face events as appropriate. 

THE Middle School GSA Club's  If you are interested please email your School Counselor.

OHVA's MS GSA Club (6th-8th Grade) 

Please email MS GSA School Counselor if you would like an invitation to this local, middle school club at OHVA!


LGTBQIA+ Resources & Support: