
Check below to see how your project will be graded

Project Standards below

Constellations With Stories

A list of constellations that have interesting stories

1. Andromeda*

2. Aquarius*

3. Aquila*

4. Aries* 

5. Cancer*

6. Cassiopeia*

7. Centaurus*

8. Pisces* Mia

9. Scorpius*

10. Hercules*

11. Hydra*

12. Draco*

13. Gemini*

14. Leo*

15. Libra*

16. Orion*

17. Pegasus*

18. Sagittarius*


Project Standards addressed

2. Conduct background reading, interviews or surveys when appropriate.

3. Make critical comparisons across texts, noting author’s style as well as literal and implied content of text.

4. Summarize the information in texts, recognizing important ideas and supporting details, and noting gaps or contradictions.

3. Establish a thesis statement for informational writing or a plan for narrative writing.

6. Organize writing, beginning with an introduction, body and a resolution of plot, followed by closing statement or a summary of important ideas and details.

8. Group related ideas into paragraphs, including topic sentences following paragraph form, and maintain a consistent focus across paragraphs.

10. Use available technology to compose text.

11. Reread and analyze clarity of writing.

2. Identify appropriate sources, and gather relevant information from multiple sources (e.g., school library catalogs, online databases, electronic resources and Internet-based resources).