Extended Response Ex

Math 5 Extended response

Reading essay questions

5th Reading



Explain why some scientists today believe that there is water on Mars and some scientists do not. Write your answer in the Answer Document. (2 points)

How do the railroaders feel when they see Katie arrive with their lumber and 

steel? Use information from the selection to support your answer. (2 points)


In the Answer Document , write a summary of the selection. Begin with the main idea. Use the subheadings as a guide.

Use information in the selection to describe two different ways that Native Americans used latex.


Predict what Grandpa would do if he were offered the chance to dance on the stage again. Support your prediction with one detail from the selection. (2 points)

What is one way that lions are different from other members of the Big Cat family? (2 points)

Explain how Justin feels after the pie-eating contest and why he feels this way. (2 points)


Use two details from the selection to explain how Kee-sup shows he cares for his brother.

List two ways chocolate may be different in the future. Use information from the selection.

Predict how Kee-sup will react the next time Young-sup asks Kee-sup to do something for him. Support your answer with a detail from the selection.


In the Answer Booklet write a summary of the selection. Include two important ideas from the selection to support your answer. (2 Points)

In the Answer Document, give at least two reasons why Antarctica might seem like another planet to a visitor. Support your answer with information from the selection. (2 Points)

Describe why the selection is divided into two sections. Then, explain how the second section is different from the first, using an example from the selection. (2 points)

Explain how and why some auctioned ponies change after they leave Assateague Island. (2 points)

What are the two reasons the father does not want his diamond sold?

What are two lessons the sons learn from their father? (2 points)



In the Answer Document, complete the chart with two main ideas from the selection and one detail to support each main idea. (4 points) 

In the Answer Document, write a summary of the selection. Remember to include the main idea. Use the subheadings as a guide. (4 points) 

14. In the Answer Document, identify Katie’s problem in the selection. Describe three steps Katie took to solve the problem. (4 points) 


What is one character trait that describes Bobby at the beginning of the selection? Use information from the selection to support your answer. 

In the Answer Document fill in the chart to describe how each event influences other actions in the selection.



What are four characteristics of lions that make them good hunters? Use details from the selection in your answer. (4 points)


In the Answer Booklet , complete the chart with two examples of energy sources the Wagners have and how they helped during the storm. (4 Points)

Grade 6



2. “Orders from all over town started pouring in. Chester’s mom and grandmother were busy helping him make more earmuffs, the name people were calling Greenwood’s clever invention.” 

Identify the opinion in the sentences above and explain why it is an opinion. (2 points)


Predict what action Nathan will take next. Support your prediction with specific details from the selection. (2 points)

“She also had to admit that her thumb was weaker than the neck of a newborn chick.” 

Identify the comparison in the sentence above and explain what it means. 2 points)

Identify two factual details from the selection that support the author’s positive evaluation of Ella Fitzgerald. (2 points)

In the fifth paragraph of PASSAGE 1, Marsha Karley says, “Everybody has their own method.” Explain what Karley means by “method” and identify an example from either passage. (2 points)

Identify an example of a word or phrase that is repeated in the poem and explain why the poet makes this repetition. (2 points)

Only particular groups of people were allowed to use Inca roads on a regular basis. Identify one of these groups and state a likely reason why the travel of this group was acceptable. (2 points)

In the section titled “Connecting the Empire,” the messenger relay system was an example of cause and effect. Explain what the cause and effect is and how it benefited the Inca people. (2 points)


The summary below includes important ideas from the first two paragraphs. Complete the summary by providing the important ideas that take place in paragraph three and then in paragraph four.

The author describes his trip to school. He then explains what a tuck-box is and provides a description of tuck. (2 points)

Explain why the author mentions Arkle’s pet frog as one of the“treasures” in the final paragraph. Support your answer with a specific detail from the selection. (2 points)

Describe the problem that the French emigrants faced immediately upon landing in Virginia. Then explain one way they dealt with that problem. (2 points)


“According to the National Gardening Association, about 25,000 schools in the United States involve students in gardening, and the numbers are growing like weeds!”

Identify the simile in the sentence above and explain what it compares. (2 points)

“Then their mouths come open and their heads start bouncing up and down like they’re bobbing in a big tub of water for apples and before you know it, ... woop, zoop, sloop ... they’re out cold and their face thunks down smack-dab on the book.” (Paragraph 4)

Identify the simile in the above sentence and explain what it means in the context of this selection. (2 points)


Below are three characteristics of Rikki-tikki-tavi labeled A, B and C. The significance of characteristic A is given. Explain the significance of characteristics B and C, making sure to label your answers.

Characteristic A: “He could scratch himself anywhere he pleased with any leg, front or back, that he chose to use.”

Significance of Characteristic A: The significance of this characteristic is that Rikki is flexible.

Characteristic B: “This is the story of the great war that Rikki-tikki-tavi fought singlehanded ... . ”

Characteristic C: “Rikki-tikki looked down between the boy’s collar and neck, snuffed at his ear, and climbed down to the floor ... .”

In your Answer Document, explain the significance of characteristics B and C. (2 points)

Describe two characteristics of the Solaire that qualify it as a green building.

(2 points)

Identify two characteristics that make this selection a poem. (2 points)


Engineers want to design simple boats inspired by the movement of penguins. Using artificial flippers modeled after a penguin’s flippers, scientists are experimenting with ships driven by flippers instead of propellers. These high-tech boats will be launched within a year.

There are errors in this summary. Identify one error and replace it with the correct information. (2 points)

Explain why Grandfather chooses to solve the problem in the way he does. Provide a specific detail from the selection to support your answer. (2 points)

Identify one character trait that can be used to describe Moss and state an event from the selection that supports that trait. (2 points)

The author uses both problem-solution and chronological order to organize this selection.

Choose and identify either problem-solution or chronological order. Then, give two details that show how the organization you chose is used in the selection. (2 points)



Describe Lupe’s problem in the selection and explain how she solves it. Then state a way that Lupe works toward her specific goal and identify a plot 

event that demonstrates a sign of progress. (4 points)


Describe Nathan’s attitude at the beginning of the selection and then at the end. Support your description of each attitude with a specific detail from the selection. (4 points)

Identify four pieces of information about frog jumping that are mentioned in both SELECTION 1 and SELECTION 2. (4 points)


In some ways, the French emigrants had to adapt to life in the United States. In other ways, they brought change to their new home. Provide two examples of how they adapted and two examples of how they brought change. (4 points)


Explain Bud's first reaction to the smells in the air as he enters the library. Then, describe three specific smells that he notices afterward. (4 points)


Describe the attitude of Teddy’s father and then the attitude of Teddy’s mother toward Rikki-tikki-tavi. Support your description of each attitude with a specific detail from the selection. (4 points)


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