
Minnesota CNC Research

Research is necessary to inform practitioners’ efforts to effectively connect children to nature. It is also important for making an evidence-informed case to policymakers, funders, urban planners and designers, teachers and educational decision-makers, doctors and healthcare systems and many others that have the capacity to direct investment or make decisions that can connect children, families and communities to nature.

It’s important that this research evidence be accessible and useful. Minnesota Children and Nature Network created a 4-page “research brief” to summarize major conclusions from the research in easy-to-understand language and bullet points. All statements are supported by research studies and citations for those studies are provided in the document.

The Minnesota Children and Nature Committee surveyed libraries statewide to learn more about how they are incorporating nature programming into their spaces and learning about their needs. Read what we learned on our CNC Minnesota Libraries Survey Summary. For complete survey results see the Minnesota Children and Nature Connection Library Survey Results.

National Children and Nature Network Research Library

To access helpful summaries of hundreds of scientific studies visit the Children & Nature Network’s Research Library.

The Children and Nature Network created a collection of free toolkits, reports, infographics and advocacy tools is designed to help you or your organization connect children, families and communities to nature.