Ney Nature Center

Ney Nature Center’s play area covers about 1/2 an acre of land. The play area was constructed primarily with volunteer and staff help using old materials, and fallen branches.

This play area was established in June 2017 and is constantly growing and changing. Ney Nature Center chooses to remove large hazards regularly from the play area, but will leave behind labeled minor/moderate hazards (ex. insect hives, thorns, brambles, etc) in order to educate visitors about safely interacting with nature.


  • Loose Materials for Building

  • Climbing Area

  • Open Field

  • Sit Spots – Quiet Areas

  • Naturalist-led programming

  • Educational signage about minor hazards around the area

Installation Details

  • Cost: $50 plus volunteer & staff time

  • Designer: Designed internally

  • General contact for questions:, 507-357-8580