Mineral California News Newsletter

Mineral California News
July 2024 Issue
Mineral California News is a newsletter created by members of the community.
It is often published monthly during the Summer and on occasion and distributed electronically via email to a list of subscribers and posted online at www.mineralcalifornia.com.
Subscribe to receive Mineral California News via Email
Contact the editor at mineralcalifornia@gmail.com.
July 2024
►Green Waste Trash & Recycling Reminders
Green Waste of Tehama County customers are able to take their waste (whether they have picked it up or not) to a central location. Until recently, this location was at the Park HQ, but has been moved to Mineral School. A resident asked us to include a message “not to dump furniture/mattresses” which can be taken to the dump.
►Water Recoating Update
Congratulations Mineral on conserving water during the tank recoating. Thank you to Battle Creek Ranch for sharing their water tank during this time. And, a BIG thank you to Water District General Manager John Frehse for doing a heroic job and providing daily updates on the website which can be found for historical purposes on the Water Conservation page.
►Firewise Update
Nearly 100 people came to Schneider Ballfield on July 6th for the Firewise Update meeting hosted by Jim Richardson. Updates were also provided by Resource Conservation District, who manages conservation grants on behalf of the Mineral Community, about their TinderSmart program. Access resources on the website’s fire prevention page.
►Post Office
Our local Postmaster Jan Gravier has said that stamps purchases have increased since asking the community to show support for the Post Office during this time. Thank you for stopping in each week to purchase stamps and/or supplies. You can also call Jan at the Post Office at (530) 595-3372 to order stamps and she will send them to you.
►Volunteer Fire Department
The beloved VFD Pancake breakfast fundraiser took place on July 7th where, in spite of the heat, the community enjoyed the annual parade and raffle in support of our volunteer fire department. Some neighbors remembered our annual Peace and Love photo to celebrate Ringo Starr’s birthday, which landed on the same day this year! Thank you volunteers, donors, and Jill & Joe at Mill Creek Resort for hosting.
►Lassen National Park Road Open
The Park road opened; more visitors are in Mineral.
►Power Outages Frequent Mineral
Although mostly unplanned, power outages have been frequent. Check the status of your address for planned or current outages at PG&E’s website.
►Community Binders Now in the Post Office and the Water District Building, Plus Flyers in Town
Find the Community Binder in the post office on the counter and now also at the Water District building. Peruse flyers and find “take one” calendars, reference flyers and postcards. Have something to share? Add to one of the empty plastic inserts. Find event flyers posted on walls next to the Lodge Store, the Campground and Water District bulletin boards.
►DaCite Chronicles Park News
Neighbors are welcome to subscribe or contribute content for Dacite Chronicles, the email publication for Park staff, partners and community members. Request to subscribe or send email content by Sundays to lavo_information@nps.gov.
►Yard Waste Bins
We were told that yard waste bins would be here for a month, but this year, they were removed after Dumpster Day (5 hours on June 15th), surprising dozens of rakers. After requesting additional support, a bin was brought on July 13th to Mineral School, but most residents were not aware before it filled. Discussions continue, as bags of pine needles remain. Green Waste of Tehama County recently suggested that we put yard waste in bags in the Green Waste trash bin. Volunteers who can properly dispose of yard waste are encouraged to pick up bags left along public areas. Thank you to Jim, Jan & Amber and volunteers helping.
►Sierra Pacific Land Closed Off to Public
Whereas people used to fish West of Mineral by the old bridge, now nearby access to that location has been blocked off. Unfortunately, campers left burning fires, causing the company to close it off.
►Need Wood Chips?
Contact Stephanie at RCD of Tehama County TinderSmart at (530) 727-1299.
►Mineral Lodge Restaurant Reference Library
Have reference books about the local flora, fauna, trails, history or topics of interest to visitors and residents? Donate to the Lodge’s Reference Library.
►Firepit Stones Added to Gas Station
Keep on the lookout for signs of fires on the gas station property, as it appears that people continue to build fires during the night. This appears to be the highest risk location for potential fires in Mineral. If you see illegal fires, please call 911 and/or the Sheriff’s office at (530) 529-7900.
►Newly Planned Communications/Microwave Relay Tower & Facility - Subcontractors Trample Snow Hill Wetlands, Surprising Local Residents
Workers began entering and driving on the wetlands below the Water tanks without permits, violating wetlands regulations and risking underground water pipes. Although the Mineral Lodge turned down the offer, contractors said that Joann Perkins sold rights to put a tower on these wetlands, perhaps not realizing the legal issues. Local residents alerted the contractors to the issues. Some residents are very concerned about the radiation that could be emitted from these towers, especially with their close proximity to humans. Residents are left wondering, what happened to the fiber optic cable for which the community received a significant amount of funding?
►Beware of the Tennis Courts
Historically there were tennis courts on this property, now in disrepair. As it is along one of the most commonly walked roads, beware of broken fencing and make sure dogs/ kids don't accidentally get cut.
►Dog Still Missing
Lost black and white McNab Collie "Abbie" is 50-60 pounds; Susanville side bottom of Fredonyer pass Hwy 36. Nov. 16, 2023. Still missing 7-15-24, but not giving up. Call Rick (775) 741-9371.
►Softball and Community Picnic
The dates of the twice monthly Picnic may be changing to match Park Payroll dates to every other week including July 23rd. Confirm the latest dates, check with Nancy at nancy_nordensten@nps.gov
►Mineral Cards
The long tradition of Mineral Cards continues. Check with Pam on the dates and times.
►Annual Mineral Community Walk Now Going from Mineral Lodge to the Mineral Summit
Aug. 31st; T-Shirt Forms Due to Sharon by July 22nd
Meet at the intersection by the Mineral Lodge and begin our inaugural walk to the Summit (or part way)! Walkers can return to the Lodge after the Walk.
►August S’mores & Crafts
Saturdays August 10 and August 24, 2024 5:00 pm
at Volcano Campground Behind the Post Office
For those of any age who like roasting s’mores or crafts, stop by for some Summer Camp-like fun. Tie-dye, friendship bracelets and more available.
►Local Walking Strolls & Chats
Join on Fridays at 4 p.m. during August for informal Stroll and Chats throughout the various areas of Mineral to share and talk about our history, nature and conservation.
►Water District Board Meetings
Did you know that the Water District Board of Directors meetings are open to the community? The next meeting is August 12th. For more information, contact Catherine Gasper at (530) 595-3479.
►Board of Supervisors Meetings
The Tehama County Board of Supervisors Meetings are Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. at the Tehama County Administrative Office, 727 Oak Street, Red Bluff, CA.
Lake Almanor Community Foundation is hosting concerts on the weekends at the Lake Almanor Country Club for hundreds of visitors.
►Annual Fishing Association Family BBQ
On Sat., July 27th at 4:00 p.m., join the Fishing Association at their annual BBQ at Lake Almanor Country Club’s Rec 1 Picnic Area.
►Chamber Farmers Market in Chester
Each week, the market has a different theme. On the 27th it’s 80’s Jam Preserves Contest, On August 1st it’s the Homemade Apple Pie Contest, the 8th is Arts & Crafts & the 15th is 3 on 3 basketball tournament.
►Mineral Music Lessons with Marcus
Marcus is now offering piano or guitar lessons right here in Mineral! Contact mineralmusic@proton.me.
►Dogs Must Be On Leash in Tehama County
There have been minor injuries from several recent incidents with unleashed dogs in Mineral and some residents are now afraid to walk through certain areas. As a reminder, per the Tehama County Sheriff’s website. Tehama County requires that dogs must be on leash, even in our unincorporated area.
►Selling a Car?
Bob and Bonnie are looking for a car. Selling one? Contact at 530.515.1893 / 36sheriffstars@gmail.com.
►Need a 1986 Honda 350 & Dump Trailer?
Both $2,250 - Call 707-301-6442
►Water District Needs Automatic Paper Folder
Have a paper folder sitting around? Please donate it.
►www.MineralCalifornia.com’s Google Calendar
See the website calendar for events, including trash pick-up. Plus, add the Mineral California Google Calendar to your calendar.
►Have News to Share?
Email news to mineralcalifornia@gmail.com to include in newsletters and to add to the website.

Mineral California News
Mineral California News is a newsletter created by members of the community.
It is published monthly and distributed electronically via email to a list of subscribers and posted online at www.mineralcalifornia.com.
Subscribe to receive Mineral California News via Email
Contact the editor at mineralcalifornia@gmail.com.