Discord 伺服器新驗證系統

New Verification System for the Discord Server

發布日期:2021 年 5 月 28 日,由 Marcus

Published: 28 May 2021 by Marcus

As some of you may have noticed, there is a new bot called @Double Counter. He will be in charge of the server security and the future verification system. We encourage everyone with the role @成員 Member to rejoin in order to get re-verify using the bot. It will also prevent any members from bringing in alternate accounts.

- Why do I need to rejoin?

~It is for security reasons. It can ensure that in case someone bad was banned from the server, they can’t join using alternate accounts. Make sure you rejoin with your main account!

- What will happen to my roles?

~ No worries, once you re-verify you will get the role @新成員 New Member, which have the same permission as @成員 Member. As for other roles, they will be added back manually by staffs. We do keep track of which member is having which role, so don’t cheat!

- How to verify?

~ As you rejoin the server, the bot will dm you and there will be a verification message for you. Simply follow it’s instructions and you’re good to go!

- What if I want to bring in my alts?

~ You can, as long as you dm me privately and declare all of your alts!

- Is the bot reliable?

~ Yes! We have tested it with VPN, various alt accounts, and 2 servers included. You can rely on the bot!


你哋可能已經注意到,有一個新嘅discord bot @Double Counter 入咗嚟。佢將會負責伺服器嘅安全同埋將來的驗證系統。我們鼓勵具有 @成員 Member的每個人重新加入,以便使用該機器人進行重新驗證。佢都會阻止任何成員引入備用帳戶。

- 點解我需要重新加入?

~ 基於安全原因。咁樣可以確保在伺服器上ban人嘅時候,他們不能使用后備帳戶重新加入。請確保你用主帳重新加入!

- 我嘅身份組將會點樣?

~ 唔使擔心,重新驗證之後,您將會獲得 @新成員 New Member 嘅角色,該角色具同 @成員 Member 具有相同的權限。至於其他身份組,就會由職員人手添加返去。我們會知道邊個成員有邊個角色組,所以請不要嘗試從中獲利!

- 點樣驗證?

~ 當您重新加入伺服器嘅時候, @Double Counter 會喺你嘅私訊中發出訊息,並為您提供一條驗證的訊息。只需按照說明進行操作,您就可以了!

- 如果我想加入后備帳戶嘅話點算?

~ 你當然可以,只要你私訊我,並且列明你所有嘅后備帳戶便可以了!

- 佢可唔可靠?

~ 非常可靠!我們已經使用過VPN,各種后備帳戶以及2個伺服器對佢進行咗各種嘅測試。您可以安心地依靠佢!