
Server Rules

此頁面寫出了 Minecraft MTR 伺服器的所有規則和指引,請仔細閲讀。違反規則者將會被懲罰。有關違反規則及申訴的資訊,請見頁面底部。

This page includes all rules and guidelines of the Minecraft MTR Server, please read them carefully. Rule violations will result in punishments. Information about rule infractions and appeals can be found at the bottom of the page.


Important Notice – Please Read Carefully

Minecraft MTR 伺服器上的内容與港鐵和香港有關。我們雖然將香港的港鐵系統代入 Minecraft 遊戲裏面,但我們與現實的香港鐵路有限公司(港鐵公司)並沒有任何關係。



The Minecraft MTR Server is related to the MTR and Hong Kong. Although we replicate the Hong Kong MTR system in the Minecraft game, we are not affiliated whatsoever with the MTR Corporation Limited in real life.

Despite that our server is based on the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) and the city of Hong Kong, things that occur on our server do not relate to real-life events. Any content that bears resemblance to real-life events is purely coincidental.

Our purpose is to offer a safe and exciting community for our members. Therefore, please do not bring real-life topics such as politics into our community. Messages posted on our server express the views of their author only. In the event that a member has violated any laws, the server staff members would not be held responsible for his/her actions.

伺服器總規則 The General Rule of the Server


Across all our community platforms, we have one general rule: Respect.


Generally, you will not be breaching this rule if you use common sense. If you think that something might not be allowed, then do not do it, or else you might violate the rule. Below are guidelines for interpreting this rule in different situations. Reminder: you can still be punished by something not listed below.

Discord 伺服器指引 Discord Server Guidelines

Discord 伺服器上,我們對尊重的意思是 By respect on the Discord server, we mean:

Minecraft 伺服器指引 Minecraft Server Guidelines

Minecraft 伺服器上,我們對尊重的意思是 By respect on the Minecraft server, we mean:

違規須知 Infraction of Rules

如果你違反這些規則指引會怎麽樣?What happens if you break these rule guidelines?

社群的每位成員都必須遵守以上的規則指引。如果職員認為你未能遵守規則指引你將會被警告。你收到的警告次數以及警告長度取決於違規的嚴重程度。無論從任何途徑,當累積達 5 次警告時,你將會被封鎖(從 Discord 伺服器以及 Minecraft 伺服器),直到封鎖時間結束為止。

Every member of the community must abide by the above rule guidelines. If staff members deem that you do not comply with the rule guidelines, you will be warned. The number of warnings you will get and the duration of the warning(s) depend on the severity of the infraction. When you accumulate 5 warnings, you will be banned from our server (Discord server and Minecraft server) until the period of the ban has expired.


While we give out punishments according to the rule guidelines, you can still be punished by something not listed above.

職員守則 Staff Responsibility

職員必須能夠提供合理原因和盡量蒐集證據,才能發出警告或封鎖成員。此外,職員也需要在發出懲罰後的 120 分鐘内,於 Discord 伺服器的「管理-moderation」文字頻道發布有關違規内容的報告,否則將被視為職員濫權。發出懲罰的職員將隨即被停職

Whenever a staff member decides to issue a warning or a ban, he/she must provide a valid reason and gather as much evidence as possible. The staff member is also required to publish a report regarding the information of the infraction in the "管理-moderation" text channel in the Discord server within 120 minutes from when the punishment was issued. Failure to do so will be considered as staff abusing of power, and the staff member who issued the punishment will subsequently be suspended.

警告及封鎖紀錄 Warning and Ban Records

所有的警告及封鎖紀錄只會由我們的職員 Discord 伺服器的「管理-moderation」文字頻道發布。

All warning/ban records will only be published in the "管理-moderation" text channel in the Discord server by our staff members.

備註 Remarks:

由於你在被封鎖後將無法再進入 Discord 和 Minecraft 伺服器,因此,你可以通過以下方式查看你被封鎖的原因:
Since you will no longer have access to the Discord and Minecraft servers after you have been banned, the following is how you can see why you got banned:

警告及封鎖申訴 Warning and Ban Appeals

如果你在 Minecraft MTR 伺服器上收到警告或被封鎖而希望對懲罰提出申訴,你可以提出申訴。詳情請到以下頁面查看:

If you have received warning(s) or have been banned from the Minecraft MTR Server and would like to appeal for your punishment, you may appeal. Details are on the following page: