
Server Information

Minecraft MTR 伺服器 Server

Minecraft MTR 跨平台伺服器 Minecraft MTR Cross-Platform Server

連線資訊 Connection Info

IP 地址 address: mcmtr.mtrcrafters.net

連接埠 Port (Bedrock 專用 only): 19244

適用平台 Compatible editions: Minecraft Java (PC/Mac/Linux) & Minecraft Bedrock (Windows 10/iOS/Android)

支援版本 Supported versions: 1.18.2+ (Java); 1.19.51+ (Bedrock)

正版驗證 Online mode: 開啟 On

綫上地圖 Online map (Squaremap): https://mcmtr-map.mtrcrafters.net

伺服器狀態 Server status: https://stats.uptimerobot.com/7BO3Jiz5j4

遊戲內的金錢與經濟 In-game money & economy

在 MCMTR 伺服器上,你可以取得你的個人 Essencard(類似在香港現實中的八達通卡)並獲得遊戲內的金錢,用於在乘搭港鐵時付車費以及購買遊戲內的東西。你在 MCMTR 伺服器上線每 10 分鐘就會獲得 $50 遊戲金錢!因此,你上線 20 分鐘就會獲得 $100,1 小時便獲得 $300,如此類推。警告:如果你在 AFK,你將不會獲取任何金錢!

You can get your own Essencard (similar to the Octopus card in real life in Hong Kong) and obtain in-game money on the MCMTR server to pay to travel on the MTR and buy in-game items. You'll get $50 in-game money for every 10 minutes you spent online on the MCMTR server! Therefore, you'll get $100 for 20 mins of online time, $300 for 1 hour and so on and so forth. Warning: You WILL NOT get money if you are AFK!

備註:建築者以及管理員在使用 Essencard 時不會被扣除遊戲內的金額。

Note: In-game balance for Builders and Moderators will not be deducted when using the Essencard.


Disclaimer: In-game money MUST NOT be confused with real-life money. We will NEVER sell in-game money for real-life money. Anyone that "offers" to sell in-game money for real-life money is not legitimate and will be banned from our server permanently if caught.

乘搭港鐵 Travelling on the MTR

1. 取得車票 Get your ticket

新款售票機 New ticket machines

舊款售票機 Old ticket machines

2. 入閘 Enter the paid area through the fare gates

新款閘機 New fare gates

舊款閘機 Old fare gates

3. 乘車 Ride

已裝設自動駕駛系統的路綫 Lines with automatic train operation

使用手動駕駛的路綫 Lines with manual train operation

港鐵車費 MTR Fares

你可以到以下頁面查看在 MCMTR 伺服器上乘搭港鐵的車費:

You can find information about the fares for riding the MTR on the MCMTR server on the following page:

我們的社群 Our Community

Discord 伺服器 Server

我們建議你加入我們的 Discord 伺服器,以收到最新的伺服器的宣布和與其他成員聊天。另外,你必須先加入我們的 Discord 伺服器,然後才能申請某些等級。

We recommend you join our Discord server to receive the latest server announcements and chat with other members. Also, you must join the Discord server before you can apply for certain ranks.

加入連結 Join link: https://discord.gg/7Yt22Uywk4