Minecraft MTR 伺服器 Server

在 Minecraft 中興建整個港鐵系統和香港

Building the Entire MTR System & Hong Kong in Minecraft

歡迎來到 Minecraft MTR 伺服器!Welcome to the Minecraft MTR Server!

我們以一個社群在 Minecraft 遊戲中興建整個港鐵系統(MTR)以及香港整座城市。無論你是否香港的 Minecraft 玩家,我們都歡迎你加入我們的伺服器參與興建,又或者參觀遊覽!祝你玩得開心愉快!

We are building the entire MTR (Mass Transit Railway) system and the city of Hong Kong in the Minecraft game as a community. Whether you are a Minecraft player from Hong Kong or not, we welcome you to join our server to build with us or just travel around! We wish you a great time here!

IP: mcmtr.mtrcrafters.net

連接埠 Port: 19244

伺服器適用於 Minecraft 電腦版和基岩版

Server compatible with both Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions!

看看我們伺服器的 Squaremap!使用伺服器的綫上地圖能讓你知道你身處在哪裏,是遊覽伺服器的最好方法!

Check out our server's Squaremap! Using the server's online map is the best way to know where you are when you are travelling around!

通過 Discord 加入我們的社群並與其他成員一起聊天!

Join our community through Discord to hang out with other members!

請在 Patreon 上支持我們!

Support us on Patreon!

我們在 Minecraft 遊戲中興建香港的整個港鐵系統。

We build the entire Hong Kong MTR system in the Minecraft game.


We not only build the MTR system, but also the entire city of Hong Kong!


And more!