
New Application System for the Server

發布日期:2021 年 315由 Karson

Published: 15 March 2021 by Karson

琴日,我同 Kinson 同 Marcus 討論完之後,決定了將會發佈以下內容:

首先,總管理員以及伺服器擁有者的工作將會分開,並且在指定範圍內工作。我們三個(Kinson, Karson, Marcus)將會負責一個部門,他們分別為:Discord 管理部門以及遊戲管理部門。

  • Karson 將會是 Discord 管理部門的總管。如果你有任何有關 Discord 的問題,請尋找 Karson 協助。

  • Kinson 將會是遊戲管理部門總管。如果你有任何有關遊戲的查詢,請尋找 Kinson 協助。

  • Marcus 將會是遊戲管理部門的總管。如果你對遊戲的管理有問題,請尋找 Marcus 協助。

其次,我們將會有一個大規模的改革。請注意我們可能不會通知大家有什麼改變。我們將會有一個新的管理紀錄以及舉報系統。他們將會以 Google Forms 以及 Trello 管理。詳情將會在四月推出。可是請大家注意,Discord 的管理以及舉報系統將會在四月之前繼續運行,我們亦都會在四月,也即是推出新系統之前繼續運用此系統。

最後一點,也即是大家最期待的一點,就是建築者,管理員,以及遊戲管理員的申請系統。有關申請的 Google Form 將會在今天3月15號推出。有關申請的連結將會放在我們的 Discord 伺服器當中。

Kinson 將會負責 Minecraft 管理員的申請;Karson 將會負責 Discord 管理員的申請;Marcus 將會負責建築者的申請。如果你想要申請表,請不要猶豫,即管跟我們說!

很不幸地,所有現任的建築者、Discord 管理員以及 Minecraft 管理員都會被革職,並且需要重新申請他們的職位。可是,他們的申請將會被優先處理:我們並不會忘記他們對這個伺服器的貢獻。高層的管理人是希望各位可以利用這機會成為管理人員的一份子並且一起貢獻給這個伺服器。

申請表將會有中文以及英文版本,所有人當被問到重要問題的時候,請以最少 100 字回答,以證明你可以成為管理人員一份子的能力。請注意,Discord 以及 Minecraft 管理員將會被高層以語言溝通或是聊天功能進行面試。面試當中我們要求面試者具有語文能力、仔細的答案以及一個認真的態度。



After discussing with Kinson and Marcus yesterday, we will be announcing the following:

First of all, the duties of head administrators and the server owner will be split into different specific areas. We will be having heads of departments. The three of us (Karson, Marcus and Kinson) will each be responsible for one department. They include Discord moderation and game (Minecraft server) moderation.

The department that each of us will be responsible for is as follows:

  • Karson will be responsible for Discord moderation. Please seek assistance from Karson for all Discord-related issues.

  • Kinson will be responsible for game moderation. For all game-related issues or questions regarding the Minecraft server, please find Kinson.

  • Marcus will be responsible for game moderation. For information on game moderation, please find Marcus.

Secondly, we will be ongoing a large reformation. Please be reminded that things may be changed without prior notice. We will be having a new set of moderation record and report system by using Trello and Google Forms, detailed will be announced in April. However, the Discord reporting system and record system will still be available before April and we will still be using them until the publishing of the new systems.

Lastly, the one that everyone is looking forward to........application system. We will be opening the Builder application form, Minecraft Administrator application form and also Discord Moderator application form. These three forms will be available today (15/3). All application links and useful resources will be in a Google Sheet called Hiring Panel. Please check the information in our Discord server.

Kinson, head of Game Moderation will be responsible for the application of Minecraft Administrator. Karson, head of Discord Moderation will be responsible for the application of Discord Moderator. Marcus, head of Game Moderation will be responsible for the application of builders. Please do not hesitate to contact the responsible Executive Team members for the application forms.

Unfortunately, all current builders, Discord moderators and Minecraft Administrators will be removed when the application system is published and they have to apply for it again using the application form. However, their application forms will be prioritized as we will not forget their contribution to the server. Executive Team members hope everyone can seize the opportunity to become a part of the moderation team and contribute to the server.

The application will consist of Chinese and English versions, and everyone should submit at least 100 words for some important questions in order to show your capability of being a part of the moderation team. For Discord moderator and Minecraft administrator, they have to be interviewed by the Executive Team, either in the form of voice interview or chat interview. However, it will be decided by Executive Team members but you can try to request for it. Grammar, detailed answers and formality are required in the whole process of application.

On behalf of the Executive Team of the HK MTR Server,

Karson | Head Administrator, Head of Discord Moderation, Executive Team