circle project

Friends in Color - October 2017 - Acrylic

So far in 2D, the most difficult project I have worked on was the ‘circle project’, where we each had to make a piece incorporating dots or circles into our piece, however we wanted to. Since these first few weeks of class overlap with my application process for college, I have been trying to push myself with these assignments to make stronger pieces than usual, as well as trying mediums and techniques I have not yet. At first, I wanted to try a pointillism painting as well as an observational piece for this project, but couldn’t decide on a subject, so I went through my own photos for inspiration. I was mostly drawn to the photos from my summer program and decided to paint an image of my friends and I and replace each of our heads with circles colored according to each individual’s personality. This was one of the more difficult projects because I am still fairly new to paint as a medium, especially with the level of detail and intricacy I chose to put into this piece. That is clear is some parts of the piece, although I have seen a great deal of advancement in my painting skills since starting. For example, the first figure I painted took me probably about four hours to complete and the last one took only around one hour, which I also think is much better than the first figure. So although there is always room for improvement, I am proud of where my skills have come since starting this piece and hope it will motivate me to continue with painting as a medium to continue with that advancement.