Middle School Visual Arts

Because I am Unique by Aadyaa A.

6th grade, Evergreen Middle School

Award of Excellence

We all Matter because we are all created different by God. No matter what race ,what color, what characteristics we have .. we all matter. I wanted to represent this through my art.

The bond that cannot be broken by Shruthi V.

8th grade, Inglewood Middle School

Outstanding Interpretation

My painting is a tribute to the strong bond that I share with my younger sister. I am her steadfast rock in this ever-changing world. Knowing 'I matter' to her makes me try to be the best version of myself. I want my sister to face any hurdle in life with courage and confidence because I would always have her back. Through good times and bad we would be there for each other, creating beautiful memories along the way.

Tokens of Affection by Victoria P.

8th Grade, Inglewood Middle School

Award of Merit

My work is a girl (representing me) holding a scrapbook, looking amazed as pictures are flying. It relates to the theme, as I matter because I have people who love me. To me, a scrapbook is an important way to showcase memories with loved ones. In the pictures, I drew different milestones, friends and family, people who love me for who I am, which I think is very important. I matter to these people and we all matter to our loved ones. We all have at least one person who loves us and I am blessed to have many!

Everyone Matters to Protect the Environment by Aurelia Z.

6th Grade, Kirkland Middle School

Award of Merit

This drawing shows three kids of different races using recycled materials building a tree together. It's based on an elementary environmental project we worked on. Environment pollution is a worldwide problem. Trashes from our daily lives(e.g. papers, plastics, cans etc.) are pollutants to lands, water, and air. They can harm the nature, animals, and humans. People around the world should be aware of this problem and know the importance of recycling. To protect the environment, I matter and everyone matters. When everyone takes action to reduce daily pollution, we will have a healthy and safer environment in the future.

A Family Legacy by Rithvikhaa S.

8th grade, International Community School

Award of Excellence

I chose to represent myself as a tree, as trees provides benefits and never does any harm. Trees offer all of us with shelter and oxygen. It's the unique combination of genetics and the astonishing traits imbibed in me by my parents that provides stronger roots to my family values and the great companionship with my friends and siblings. I pay them back, spreading love and joy to everyone with no expectations. The roots in the picture represent my parents and the tree as myself. Trees are an essential "buddy" to this world so, I also matter to this world.