High School Photography

Looking Within by Amelie B.

11th Grade, Lake Washington HS

Award of Excellence

I matter because I am unique and not one person will be the same as me. In this photo, I addressed "I matter because", with the use of glitter as a form of self-representation. I applied glitter to only half my face to show how within ourselves we are all unique while on the outside, often try to fit in or copy someone else. In embracing my indviduality, I have learned to stop being focused on what people think of me and wake-up with the intention of being authentic to myself and encouraging those around me to to do the same.

Who I Am Carlos by Adrian D.

11th Grade, Lake Washington HS

Award of Excellence

I matter because I am myself. The photo is focused on the portrait of me at the background because my past is what is set in stone. The past is my foundation on who I am today, it is something that cannot be changed therefore it holds clear moments. The background also holds my interests as the props are placed beside me are what makes me, me. The present version of me is a blur as the foundation of who I am is there, but I am still growing and finding out who I am. I also hold a Ukulele which was a gift given to me from my relatives in the Philippines before leaving. I hold it as I will always remember who they are. They are the ones who helped me get to where I am today. The future cannot be seen; therefore, it is not present in the photo. It is something that I will work towards.

Side by Side by Makena W.

12th Grade, Lake Washington HS

Outstanding Interpretation

I matter because I have a younger sister who will always be by my side. I am her role model who she comes to with every scary choice and decision. While similar in looks we are different in personality, and it is my job to help her forge her own path to success in the world.

Pen and Paper by Brock Olson

11th Grade, Lake Washington HS

Award of Merit

I matter because I have opinions and thoughts that are important. My perspective is unique and unlike that of anyone else. The ideas and sentences that flow from my brain, to my hand, and finally onto the paper are one of a kind. My ideas can change the world, and nobody can stop me from making a difference. My opinions will not be ignored. I will make myself heard because I know what I have to say is important. I am the future.