Intermediate Visual Arts

I am staying positive during COVID pandemic by Nandini R.

5th grade, Margaret Mead Elementary

Award of Merit

I matter because I have a unique quality to look at the positive side of things during COVID pandemic. I generate positive energy to keep everyone around me motivated and encouraged. My art represents that I miss going to school, meet my teacher and friends but I know I have to stay home to keep myself, my family, friends and teachers safe. Everyday, I look at my school bag, water bottle and books that remind me that golden school days will be back soon. I know that life will be back to normal one day.

Tipping the Scale by Anika B.

5th grade, Christa McAuliffe Elementary

Award of Merit

Our world isn't perfect. Even more so, the way we see the world isn't perfect. But sometimes, all it takes is one person and one different point of view to tip the scale. One person can be the start of a bigger change. One leader can make the whole group follow. This is why each and every person matters. And this is why I matter.

I matter, because... by Nancy Chen

5th grade, Rose Hill Elementary

Outstanding Interpretation

In my drawing, a little girl is imagining what it is like to vote. Everyone can vote. No matter if they are young or old, poor or rich, different skin color or culture...and so on. Now, I’m a kid, but I matter. Because I’m studying hard so when I grow up, I can make the right decision to vote. So, although 1 vote seems like it doesn't matter, it definitely matters when there are many, many, votes together, and sometimes, it matters so much, that it could change the world.

Big Impact from Small Changes by Jeffrey Y.

3rd grade, Margaret Mead Elementary

Award of Excellence

I matter because I want to help others make their own lives healthier, more fulfilling, and prosperous. To make a big impact to the world.