Middle School Music Composition

A Drop in the Ocean by Anvika S.

8th Grade, Kirkland Middle School

Award of Merit

I matter because small ideas can lead to big environmental improvements. I started by taking small actions like sorting trash and recycling. I then did bigger things like building rain barrels and roof gardens. Finally, I magnified my impact by spreading the word and motivating others to act. That initial drop in the ocean can lead to a big impact. My compoition describes this process by starting simple before progressing to melodies that build upon each other. Finally, the end of the song echoes the beginning, just like sharing your knowledge can spread through the water by others.

Moonlight by Ashkan G.

6th Grade, International Community School

Award of Excellence

"After moving between different continents three times, I had times of both great laughter sadness. I've lost friends and left behind memories, but no matter how hard it got, I never gave up. I didn't give up because I always try to see the best in every situation. If there's a blizzard, I try to look at how it helps global warming, if someone dies, I try to look at how they're in a better place now. After going through all of these “adventures”, I can say I Matter Because I Never Give Up."

Dominoes by Brooke L.

7th Grade, Evergreen Middle School

Award of Excellence

Dominoes exemplifies the theme, I Matter, in that it shows how each one of, despite our differences ("Maybe we got different numbers, got different colors"), all count because at the end of the day, we're all humans and that's all that matters. I chose to represent people as dominoes because it symbolizes how one small push, or even if only one of us falls, can set off a chain reaction that affects everyone, one by one ("Brick by brick", "Voice by voice", "Wave by wave").