

How to Enter a Dungeon

Coordinates for each dungeon portal are shown on their respective help centre pages.
You can return to Middle-earth at any time using /dungeon leave.
Anyone you invite must be in your dungeon lobby.
The differences between these difficulties are outlined later in this page.
It's 1 for EASY mode, 2 for NORMAL mode and 3 for HARD mode.

What Happens Inside a Dungeon?

This section gives a general overview of how a generic dungeon works. For specific information on a particular dungeon you will need to check its dedicated help centre page.
Tip: try to use your movement to your advantage and ensure you don't get surrounded or trapped.
Check a specific dungeon's dedicated help centre page for the specific number of kills. The number is also affected by your difficulty.
Killing the underboss will spawn loot chests at random locations in the dungeon, which contain valuable loot.



The Dungeon Pass


Last Edited: 02 Jan 2024