Noob Protection


  • Middle-earth can be a dangerous place.

  • Some players like to kill others to such an extent that it's not in the server's benefit to let it happen.

  • 'Noob protection' is an automated system which tries to protect players who actually need protection, without having to add rules which would inevitably result in unnecessary bans.


  • If a player (the aggressor) kills another player (the victim) 5 times in the space of 30 minutes, and the victim hasn't killed the aggressor even once, the victim will be offered 30 minutes of optional immunity only from the aggressor.

This can be claimed using /claimimmunity
  • The aggressor won't be notified if this immunity is claimed.

  • During this immunity, the victim won't be able to attack the aggressor, and vice versa. Other players can still attack the victim.

  • This only works in Middle-earth, and doesn't work in events such as FFA.

  • It also doesn't work if either the aggressor or the victim is leading a raid, or if they're participating in a survival conflict such as a siege.