Italian 1


Ciao tutti. Come state? Sono io, Professoressa Wilhite (Emily).

I will be posting here what we do in class each Friday along with any homework assigned. This way if you need to miss a class you'll know what we did. I also like to use additional handouts beyond what is in the text book and I will post any documents you will need here.    I will also post answers to any homework we don't go over in class along with useful materials and websites. Note-the 'compiti' (homework) section listed each week is being assigned for the following week, not due that week.  Note-'CIW' in the plans refers to the Complete Italian Workbook.

 This class is designed for people with little to no knowledge of the Italian language. So no worries. We will be starting from the very beginning. 

 We are starting new books this year.  We will be covering the same material as years past so we won't be following the book 100% in order.

 If you ever have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me . Allora, here we go...

***NOTE: The door to the church is usually locked on Fridays.  If there is no one else going in or out to open the door for you there is a keypad and the code is 1521.

il 10 maggio-l'ultima classe

In classe:

Finiamo le frasi da tradurre---risposte


Conversazione-quali sono i vostri piani per l'estate

il 3 maggio

In classe:

Translation sentences-finished about 3/4

Contiunuiamo a leggere-did 3 & 4 Easy Italian Reader

il 26 aprile

In classe:

Le vostre presentazioni

Leggiamo-Easy Italian Reader 1 & 2

Compiti (per il 3 maggio):

Next week we will keep working on anything we didn't get to in class today.

FInish any of the translation sentences and readings you haven't done yet.

il 19 aprile

In classe:

Announcements about next years classes, new offerings etc...

Do di/da exercise

Compiti (per il 26 aprile):

Reading comprehension paragraphs

Easy Italian Reader

We aill continue next week with the translation sentences and presentations if we don't get to them all in class today.

il 12 aprile

In classe:

Continue with di/da

Introduction to piacere

Compiti (per il 19 aprile):

Di/da exercise

I moved the reading comprehension up a week because I doube we'll get to it in class net week.

Way back towards the beginning of the year I had everyone write a short paragraph talking about yourself.  We are going to repeat that exercise but you should be able to add a lot.

Give as much info about yourself as possible.  (Present tense only of course)  Hobbies, family, likes, dislikes...

il  5 aprile

In classe:

Più pratica con i pronomi di oggetto diretto con l'infinitivo-domande e risposte

Pratica con 'da' time expression

Start di/da-looked at 'di'

Compiti (per 12 il  aprile):

Le preposizioni di e da

il 29 marzo

In classe:

Parliamo della Pasqua _Vocabolario della Pasqua

Create and answer questions with pronouns

Da time expression

More DO exercises-risposte

Compiti (per il 5 aprile):

Using the 'da time expression' write sentences answering: 

How long have you in lived in KS/MO, 

known how to drive, 

known your best friend, 

had your car, 

(pick one that fits for you) been married, had a pet, 

Non c'è classe il 15 marzo per la pausa di primavera

Il 22 marzo

In classe:

Go over the homework with do pronouns

Compiti (per il 29 marzo)

Practice with all irregular verbs

Translation practice with longer sentences

Have been doing-DA time expressions

l'8 marzo

In classe:

Conversazione-we'll wander around the room conversing using the questions that you wrote.

Start object pronouns

Compiti (per il 22 marzo):

Direct Object Exercises

More DO practice

il 1 marzo

In classe:

Work on translation sentences

The remaining irregular verbs: dire, uscire, venire, bere

Compiti (per il 8 marzo):

Next week starting direct object pronouns

Scrivete 3 domande per i vostri compagni di classe

il 23 febbraio

In classe:

Short present tense sentences to translate.

Le vostre frasi con stare, dare, dovere, potere, volere

Sapere e conocere

Compiti (per il 1 marzo):

Pratica con sapere e conoscere

Scrivete 2 frasi con sapere e due frasi con conoscere

il 16 febbraio

In classe:

Risposte-the big chart ex with articles etc.

Ripasso-drill with articles, poss adj, buono, bello, dem adj

Le vostre frasi con fare e andare

Stare, dare, dovere, potere, volere

If time we'll start working on this...

Compiti (per il 23 febbraio):

2 sentences each with stare, dare, dovere, potere, volere

For the dovere, potere, volere sentences-write one thing you must, can and want to do and a negative version.

Per esempio:

Questa settimana: devo lavorare, non devo andare al supermercato, posso andare al cinema, non posso comprare una macchina nuova, voglio mangiare il gelato, non voglio pulire la casa.

Work on the short sentences exercise

il 9 febbraio

In classe:

Più domande (I'll hand out the cards with questions again)

Ripasso-il tempo

Go over the 'fare' exercise

Le vostre frasi con fare

Il verbo andare

Le preposizioni: in/a

In/a charts

Aggettivi dimostrativi

For fun: 

Valentine's Day Vocab

Romantic phrases

Compiti (per il 16 febbraio):

Finish the exercise with the articles, buono, bello, questo, quello

Finish the exercise on the 'andare' handout

Write 3 sentences with andare

Next week we are going to tackle 5 more irregular verbs:

stare, dare, potere, volere, dovere-memorize all the forms

Dovere, potere, volere

il 2 febbraio

In classe:

Parliamo del giorno della marmotta.

Domande e risposte

Il verbo fare

Common irregular verbs chart

buono e bello ---> risposte

Aggettivi possessivi ---> risposte

Compiti (per il 12 febbraio):

Do the exercise on the 'fare' worksheet

Practice with: articles, buono, bello, possessive and demonstrative adjectives  --->  risposte (we didn't get to the demonstrative adjectives today so you can wait on those columns for now but you can start the other columns.)

Scrivete 3 frasi con il verbo fare (have at least 1 that the subject isn't io)

Short present tense sentences to translate.

il 26 gennaio

In classe:

Più domande e risposte

Esercitazione con buono/bello/aggettivi possessivi

Avere Expressions

Che tempo fa?

Il verbo fare

Compiti (per il 5 febbraio)

Avere expressions practice -----> risposte

il 19 gennaio

In Classe:

List of _ire verbs (just for your info-you don't need to learn all of these.)

Domande (I am going to go around the room asking everyone random questions using vocab from our sentence building exercise)

Le vostre frase e domande

Buono e bello

Possessive Adjectives

Compiti (per il 19 gennaio):

Possessive adjective practice -----> Risposte

Buone/bello practice -----> risposte

Per la settimana prossima:

Che tempo fa? (weather) (with images)

Che tempo fa (without images)

il 12 gennaio


Buon Natale e 

Felice Anno Nuovo da:

Rooks, Kelvin, Raya (gatti), 

Nutella, Neve, Nuvola (conigli)

Ci vediamo nel 2024.

How many of these resolutions (propositi) can you figure out?

il 5 gennaio:


In classe:

Guardiamo il video dei buoni propositi (above)

Ripasso-verbi regolari

Finish question formation-question words

Practice with sentence and question formation

Le vostre domande

Sentence Building Exercise

Compiti (per il 12 gennaio)

Continue practicing forming sentences and questions with the sentence building exercise.

Next week: 

Irregular adjectives: buono e bello.  CIW pg 81-82

possessive adjectives  CIW pg 108-109

Avere expressions

il  15 dicembre

In classe:

Risposte-answer key for the definite article matching exercise

_ire verbs

Your descritpions of people

Question formation

Compiti (per il 5 gennaio):

Practice with regular verbs-this time do the -ire verbs

Write 5 questions for your classmates using anything we have learned so far.

Es: Giochi uno sport?  Cucini bene?  Suoni uno strumento?

Short sentence translation exercise

l'8 dicembre

In classe:

Start regular verbs and work with basic sentence structure.

Le vostre frasi-go over the sentences you wrote for homework.

Start working on describing people.

Compiti (per il 15 dicembre):

Choose 2 family members to describe-1 male, 1 female-at least 5 descriptors each.

Es: Mio padre è alto.  È calvo.  Ha gli occhi blue.  È generoso, gentile e intelligente.

Practice with regular verbs (only do the _are and _ere sections)

For fun-Christmas Vocab

Question formation-we'll be going over this in class nexxt week

il 1 dicembre

In classe:

Domande e risposte

Ripasso: avere e essere

Ripasso: articoli, aggettivi-your phrases with articles, nouns and adjectives

Practice making sentences with all of our elements so far.

Compiti (per l'8 dicembre):

Create 5 sentences using all the elements we have so far.  Essere, avere, articles, nouns, adjectives.

We will be starting regular verbs next week-we'll start with _are and _ere but all types are on this handout.

Regular verbs

Leggete (read) CIW pg 154-155, 163-167

Vocabolario:   la famiglia, descrivere le persone (describing people)

Quizlet-la famiglia, Quizlet-descrivere le persone

il 17 novembre

In classe:

Verbi: essere e avere

Answers to the plurals exercise

Add some follow up questions to our conversation

Chart of articles

Noun/adjective agreement

Vocab list-common nouns and adjectives

Compiti (per il 1 dicembre): (Non c'è classe il 24 novembre)

Practice with avere and essere

Leggete (read) CIW pg 78-81, 85-86 (don't worry about the irregulars yet)

From the common nouns and adjectives handout-create 5 short phrases with definite article-noun-adjective (don't use irregulars for now) and then make the phrase plural.

Esempio-la macchina rossa-le macchine rosse, lo studente inteligente, gli studenti inteligenti

il 10 novembre

In classe:

Giorno e data risposte (answers to the day/date exercise)

Chart of plural formation

Compiti (per il 17 novembre):

If we didn't get to articles in class, don't worry about the exercises on articles.

Leggete (Read) CIW pg 48-55 (articles)

Esercizi CIW pg 60-64

Definite article to noun matching exercise

For fun-Thanksgiving vocab

il 3 novembre

In classe:

Here is the answer key to the exercise on time: Che ora è-risposte

Domande e risposte (I'll go around the room asking questions)

Go over the day and date homework.

Everyone to the board to write down their 10 nouns with gender and plural form

More work on gender and number (CIW pg 41-48)

Compiti: (per il 10 novembre)

Chart of plural formation (updated 6 nov)

Quizlet for plural formation practice

Id gender and form plurals

 il 27 ottobre

In classe:

Review numbers and time.

Giorno e data (day and date) CIW pgs 71-74

Start on gender and number: Handout: Nouns Adjectives Gender Number

If time we'll practice some plural formation with the Halloween vocab

Compiti (per il 3 novembre):

Finish the practice portion of the day and date handout.

CIW exercises pgs 74-76

Read CIW pgs 37-40: Nouns, gender, number

Think of any 10 common nouns, things that you interact with every day or have a theme, look them up in a dictionary and determine the gender and the plural.

For fun: Halloween Vocabulary  

Quizlet Halloween Vocab

il 20 ottobre

In classe:

Everyone will circulate around the room asking and answering questions from our basic phrases handout.

Introductions/Presentazioni-using the answers to the basic questions everyone will give a short intro of them selves.

Finish the practice portion of the day and date handout.

CIW exercises pgs 74-76

Read CIW pgs 37-40: Nouns, gender, number

Handout: Nouns Adjectives Gender Number

Compiti (per il 28 ottobre):

Keep practicing the basic phrases and numbers

il 13 ottobre

In classe:

More practice with the basic phrases

Start on numbers (CIW pgs 20-26), days, weeks, months (CIW pgs 71-72)

Che ora è (what time is it)

Compiti: (per il 20 ottobre)

Finish the exercises in the time and date handouts (if we got to time and date in class)

Book exercises: CIW pgs 30-34 ex 1-4 (we won't be pushing the ordinal numbers yet but if you want to practice them you can do ex 5-8 as well.  All answers are in the book)

il 6 ottobre (taught by Melanie)

In classe:

We will finish the basic phrases handout and practice more with the getting to know you section.

Compiti (per il 13 novembre):

Keep praciticng the getting to know you questions.  

Using the answers to the questions, write a small paragraph about yourself as if you were introducing yourself to someone:

Esempio: Ciao.  Mi chiamo Emily.  Sono degli Stati Uniti.  Abito in Kansas.  Sono professoressa d'italiano...

il 29 settembre

In classe:

We'll be practicing pronouncing and spelling words to put togther all the info we learned about the alphabet and pronunciation.

Continue with the basic phrases handout (we got through 'hai animali')

Compiti: (per il 6 ottobre)

Start looking at the numbers-CIW pgs 20-26

Basic vocab handout-numbers, days, seasons, months

Keep praticing the basic phrases-make sure you can ask and answer all the items in the getting to know you section.


il 22 settembre

In classe:

Ripasso-more practice with our 'domande e risposte' (questions and answers)

Finish the alphabet and pronunciation

C, G and Double consonant handout

Start  going through this handout: Basic phrases and getting to know you (we got through 'dove abita?)

(It would be a good idea to have a print out of this.  If you do not have a printer, let me know and I can bring some copies.)

Compiti (per il 29 settembre):

Keep practicing with pronunciation. CIW (Complete Italian Workbook) read pgs 16-19

Work on the basic phrases handout

Quizlet is an app/website that creates flashcards.  Here is the link to the flashcards I have already created that go along with the basic phrases handout.

Quizlet-basic phrases

il 15 settembre

In classe:

Ripasso (review)-we will go back over the few questions that we did last week.

We added: How are you?  Come stai? -informal.  Come sta?-formal.  Sto bene/male/così così.

Continuiamo con l'alfabeto (continue with the alphabet)  We got through P.

Here is my alphabet handout  handout

We likely won't start this one til week 3 but it has some of the phrases that we've already done...

Basic phrases and getting to know you

Compiti (per il 22 settembre)

Keep practicing with the alphabet and pronununciation.  Make sure you can spell your name.

Start looking at the basic phrases handout.

l'8 settembre-la prima classe

Ciao e benvenuti.

Class plans: Today I'd like to get to know all of you a bit including why you are studying Italian.  We will learn some basic introductory phrases, talk about the plan for the upcoming school year, look at our new books and start looking at the alphabet (l'alfabeto) and pronuncuation (la pronuncia).

We looked at the vowels:  le vocali-a, e, i, o, u  

Compiti (per il 15 settembre):

Practice the phrases we learned in class today. ---->

Read through the sections of the book on the alphabet and pronunciation.  Complete Italian Workbook pgs 6-19

Look up and watch some YouTube videos on the same topic.

Come ti chiami? Come si chiama?

Mi chiamo...

Di dove sei?  Di dov'è?

Sono di...

Perché studi l'italiano?

per viaggiare, per lavoro, la cultura, la bella lingua, il lavoro, per la mente...