Paragraph 3

It seems pretty clear to me that this paragraph begins with 'pour empecher une femme de...' (to stop/prevent a woman from...) so I tried to guess what a pirate might want to stop a woman from doing. My first thoughts were 'getting pregnant' or 'being unfaithful' but these didn't seem to fit the cryptogram too well. I say that despite the fact that many people see the sequence 'DOBAUCHE' and assume that this corresponds to débauche, débauché or débauchée. 'Débauche' is French for 'debauchery', meaning excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol, or drugs, just the kind of behavior you might expect of pirates and their women! But I reject that interpretation because I think my interpretation works better in terms of the symbols of the cryptogram.

A little further in the text is the sequence 'LOREIL' which many people assume is a mis-spelling of 'l'oreille' meaning 'the ear'. I reject that too, but propose a related word. I think the sequence 'LOREILJ' is a slightly mis-copied 'LOREILE', and that La Buse actually meant 'l'oreillé', or more correctly 'l'oreiller' which means pillow. Having made this guess I looked back and saw the sequence 'REN' and then it clicked: another thing that a pirate might want to stop a woman from doing is snoring! To snore in French is 'ronfler' but La Buse, being a poor speller, might well have written 'ronfler' as 'renfler' or 'renflé' since these spellings are phonetically equivalent to 'ronfler'.

I did some research and was pleased to read that one traditional method to stop people snoring is to sprinkle certain essences or oils onto the person's pillow. This site, for example, suggests putting a mixture of essential oils on the pillow, including orange oil. Some sites recommend olive oil as a useful aid for sleep, but usually as something to be swallowed rather than placed on the pillow. However, oily olives ('olive grasse', in French) can be used in soaps and therefore mixing them with orange essence might make a good sleep-inducing formula. It maybe also that the orange essence will dissolve in the olive oil.  In this book (published in 1845) it says 'Huile d'olive grasse ou commune faite avec une espèce d'olive petite et maigre. L'huile extraite de cette espèce qui vient sur des arbres de haute futaie est utilisée pour la fabrication des savons et aussi pour l'ensemencement des laines et la préparation des draps' or 'Oily olive or common olive oil made with a small and lean olive. The oil extracted from this species which comes on high-growth trees is used for the manufacture of soaps and also for the seeding of wool and the preparation of sheets.' If olive oil can be used in soaps and to prepare sheets then putting some on a pillow can make sense. When I saw sequences of letters in the cryptogram that resembled 'oranges' and 'olives grasses' I felt even more certain that this is indeed the correct sense of this paragraph.

Ignoring as usual the characters that seem to have been included as clues for the next layer of the cryptogram and which can all be expressed as digits as above, we have:

Pour empêcher une femm de renflé, vous n'avé qu'à fouetter des oranges et d'olives graces por épandre que l'uile sur l'oreilé.

In modern French, and correcting errors:

Pour empêcher une femme de ronfler, vous n'avez qu'à fouetter des oranges et des olives grasses pour épandre que l'huile sur l'oreiller.

In English:

To stop a woman from snoring, you just have to whip together some oranges and oily olives to then spread just the oil on the pillow.
