Fear Not! Mary

Last week we learned that an angel visited Elizabeth and Zechariah and told them that their son would announce the rescuers arrival. This week, an angel visited Mary to tell her she would be an important part of God's plan!

Follow up at home…

Read Find Luke 1:26-38 in your Bible and read it together. 

Talk Mary had a lot to be afraid of when the angel visited her. Everything she knew would change if she gave birth to the rescuer. But Mary was faithful and followed God's plan even if it was scary. Talk about a time you followed God's plan even though it wasn't your plan. 

Do Take turns acting out an angel appearing to Mary. He started by saying "Fear Not", so start your telling of the story the same way. God didn't want Mary to be afraid. 

Worship Songs

Born Is The King 

*Singing on Stage Song*

Fear Not

by Ellie Holcomb

Light's Always Stronger

by Ellie Holcomb

Joy To The World

by Clear Creek Community Church

The Story of Christmas (Mary and Joseph)