Barbie 2 - Scene 059

Barbie Finds Refuge

Summary and Symbolism in Barbie 2: Scene 59 - Barbie Finds Refuge

In this gripping scene, Barbie takes refuge in a modest, almost spartan apartment within the fascinating Silver Spurs Universe.


The apartment is unassuming, offering a hideaway more than a home. But for Barbie, this is all she needs. Her immediate sleep upon arrival showcases the toll her mission—laid out in the plot—is taking on her, both emotionally and physically.


As she settles in, she places a lone picture frame of her and Ken, the characters in focus, on an otherwise empty shelf. This action speaks volumes, symbolizing her single-minded focus and the emptiness that surrounds it.

Universal Themes

The apartment in Silver Spurs is more than just a location; it adds a layer to the expansive universe that scriptwriter Alan Nafzger has created for Barbie 2. Its stark simplicity contrasts sharply with Barbie's usually glamorous world, adding texture and depth to the film's narrative.

To delve deeper into the many layers of Barbie 2, check out these articles:

With so much at stake, each decision Barbie makes, even her choice of refuge, becomes symbolic and adds richness to the story. From the sparse setting to the meaningful placement of a single photo, Scene 59 offers a quiet but impactful moment in a world of complex characters and intricate plots.


Katy Room Interviews Alan Nafzger on Crafting the Universe in "Barbie 2"

Katy Room: Alan, thanks for joining us today. We're all keen to dive into the fascinating universe you've created for "Barbie 2". Tell us a bit about how you came up with such a vivid setting for the characters.

Alan Nafzger: Well, thank you for having me, Katy. You know, when it comes to creating a universe, it's not just about the characters or the plot. It's also about the world they inhabit. For "Barbie 2", I wanted something that veers from the stereotype, a place like Silver Spurs, a retirement community designed like a wagon wheel. It’s a canvas that mixes nostalgia with the complex realities of today.

Katy Room: Silver Spurs seems like a character itself. How does it enrich the world you're building?

Alan Nafzger: Exactly. Silver Spurs is a character in its own right. Each wing of the facility has its own unique name and atmosphere—Outlaw Oasis, WagonWheel Way, Mustang Meadow, Sunset Suites, and Buffalo Bluff. And the amenities! From the Senior’s Saloon serving Sarsaparilla Lattes to the Yesteryear Yurt for meditation—each has been created to add nuance and layers to the film’s universe.

Katy Room: You're up against Hollywood heavyweights like Greta Gerwig. How does it feel to put your unique stamp on such an iconic franchise?

Alan Nafzger: Ah, the Greta Gerwig question! I love her work, but it's like being an indie musician going head-to-head in a guitar duel with Jimi Hendrix. Yet, here I am, unplugging my Fender and stepping onto the stage.

Katy Room: Your script incorporates humor and irony quite seamlessly. How challenging was it?

Alan Nafzger: Humor is a tricky thing. What makes one person chuckle might not even elicit a smile from another. But the key is to weave it naturally into the storyline. Like in Scene 59, where Barbie puts her iconic pink Cadillac at the back of the building, it’s as if she's saying goodbye to a part of her identity. The irony and humor are subtle but they're there, creating a rich tapestry that adds to the overall experience of the film.

Katy Room: Any last thoughts?

Alan Nafzger: Just that it's going to be a tall order for Hollywood to decide on the best script for Barbie 2. But regardless of what happens, I’m thrilled to have contributed my vision to this iconic universe.

For more insights into the world of Barbie 2, check out these must-reads:

Katy Room: Alan, thank you for your time and best of luck with "Barbie 2".

Alan Nafzger: Thank you, Katy. It's been a pleasure.

And there you have it, folks! A glimpse into the mind of the man daring enough to go toe-to-toe with Greta Gerwig in shaping the future of the Barbie universe. Stay tuned for more updates on Barbie 2!