Barbie 2 - Scene 018



In scene 18, Barbie receives a video call from Ken while she's in Arizona. The atmosphere is tense as both acknowledge the need to talk. Ken is at the launch facility, working on the challenging math needed for his space mission. Despite the complexities and difficulties they're individually facing, they both offer reassuring words to each other. Barbie encourages Ken to remember what she taught him, and Ken confirms that his AI assistant, HAL, is with him, which comforts Barbie. However, Barbie does bring up a quirk about HAL – that he's been mysteriously calling her sister and hanging up. The scene captures a moment of intimacy and humor, portraying the strength and complexity of their relationship even when they're geographically separated and facing different challenges.


Interview with Alan Nafzger: The Politics and Emotions of "Barbie 2"

Katy Room: Thank you for joining us today, Alan. We're all excited to delve into the intricate world you've created in Barbie 2.

Alan Nafzger: Thanks for having me. I'm looking forward to this.

Katy Room: Scene 18 stands out for its emotional intensity as well as its comic relief. Barbie is in Arizona and Ken at his launch facility, and yet, their relationship seems to be holding up. Is this a statement on long-distance relationships?

Alan Nafzger: Absolutely, but it's more than that. It's about two individuals who are complex and ambitious, who have different goals but still manage to find common ground, even when they're miles apart. Love doesn't have to be a compromise; it can be a collaboration.

Katy Room: Your characters seem to be running up against government red tape and legal issues. Is there a political undertone to Barbie 2?

Alan Nafzger: Oh, absolutely. I've always been a bit of a libertarian at heart, and I wanted to explore what happens when ambitious individuals go up against the machinery of state and regulation. Ken's line "To infinity and beyond government regulations" wasn't just a cheesy joke; it was a credo.

Katy Room: A credo against the establishment? You're certainly not shy about making enemies.

Alan Nafzger: Well, if you're not ruffling a few feathers, you're not flying high enough. I don't mind going up against bigger names or government entities. If Greta Gerwig can take on Hollywood, I can certainly take on the establishment in my own way.

Katy Room: Speaking of establishment, you even brought HAL, the AI, into the equation. What does HAL signify here?

Alan Nafzger: HAL is more than just a nod to 2001: A Space Odyssey. He's a representation of our reliance on technology and how it can be both an asset and a liability, as evidenced by his mysterious calls to Barbie's sister. It adds a layer of complexity to the narrative.

Katy Room: Any last thoughts you'd like to share with our audience?

Alan Nafzger: Just that Barbie 2 is more than just a story of love or adventure. It's a story about the triumph and challenges of the human spirit, against all kinds of odds—emotional, political, and even gravitational.

Katy Room: Thank you, Alan. It's been a thought-provoking conversation, and we can't wait to delve further into the universe you've created.

Alan Nafzger: Thanks for having me.

For more information about Barbie 2, its intriguing characters, and its fascinating plot, be sure to visit Ken and Barbie Universe, Ken and Barbie Plot, Ken and Barbie Characters, and Ken and Barbie Home. If you'd like a deeper look into the script, the primary source is available here.

For more articles and thoughts on Barbie 2, check out this Medium page.