Barbie's College Essay

Barbie's College Essay: "A Journey of Many Facets"

By Barbie (Barbie Sequel)

From the runways of New York to the shores of Malibu, life has been anything but monochromatic. I've worn many hats—or should I say, hairstyles—in my time. Yet, as the college admission process rolled around, I found myself at an intersection of identities. Who is Barbie, beyond the fashion and fame? This question propelled me on a journey through the kaleidoscope of my life's passions, revealing that I am a sum of my multifaceted experiences.

My first stop was Mrs. Johnson's English class. Here, Shakespeare's "All the world's a stage," resonated profoundly with me. I found solace in literature, where I could be an Elizabeth Bennet one moment and a Katniss Everdeen the next. But it was when Mrs. Johnson commented on my essay about social justice themes in "To Kill a Mockingbird" that I realized the power of words to advocate for change. The classroom served as a catalyst for my aspirations to leverage storytelling as a tool for social impact.

Next, I visited the local community center, where I spent summers organizing children’s programs. As the coordinator handed me a framed photo of last year's summer camp, my eyes welled up. It wasn't just about the crafts or games; it was about creating a haven for kids to be themselves. Here, I understood the role of community in individual well-being, teaching me the value of inclusion and diversity.

Dancing has been my longest commitment. My dance instructor always says, "You dance with your soul, not just your feet." Through years of recitals and broken toe shoes, I’ve learned discipline and expression. I've also been exposed to various cultures through dance forms, enriching my global perspective. This passion for dance has not only been an outlet for creativity but also a lens through which I see the world's vibrant traditions.

Science, though seemingly contrasting, is another passion that colors my world. Under the mentorship of my lab instructor, I’ve dabbled in environmental projects, fostering my commitment to sustainability. I realized that science is not an isolated subject; it intersects with our lives, from the climate crisis to healthcare. The lab was my playground for curiosity, a place where questions were encouraged, leading to endless possibilities.

Then, I stopped by the art gallery, where my paintings hung beside seasoned artists. The curator’s affirmation reminded me that age is not a limit to what you can achieve. Creating art is another way I’ve found to express complex emotions and narratives, reinforcing my belief in the interconnection of the arts and sciences.

Finally, I climbed up to my childhood treehouse. Amongst worn-out books and old toys, I found my first diary. Reading through its pages, I met my younger self—naïve, hopeful, and full of dreams. It reminded me of the simplicity in joy and the importance of staying true to oneself. The treehouse was my sanctuary, a place where I could dream without bounds, and it remains a grounding element in my life.

As I sat down to write this essay, I realized that each experience, each person I met along the way, contributed to who I am. Like a prism dispersing light, I am a spectrum of passions, talents, and beliefs. I aim to bring this multidimensional perspective to college, for it's the sum of my many facets that define me, not just one. So, who is Barbie? She is an ever-evolving tapestry of life experiences, committed to living a life full of purpose, inclusion, and learning. And she can't wait to bring all these colors to your university's vibrant community.

Title: Barbie's College Essay Odyssey

By: Elisa Valdez

Elisa Valdez is a Chicana screenwriter committed to telling stories that celebrate diversity and tackle important social issues. Her latest project, "Barbie's College Essay Odyssey," delves into the coming-of-age journey of two iconic characters, Barbie and Ken, as they navigate the pressures of college admissions.


As the college application deadline looms, Ken takes the easy way out by hiring someone to write his essay, while Barbie embarks on an adventurous odyssey visiting places that hold sentimental value to her, in order to find the inspiration to write her own admissions essay.

Act 1: The Dilemma

Setting: High School Senior Year - College Application Season


Barbie, intrigued by her counselor's advice, plots out six locations to visit for her essay inspiration journey.

Act 2: The Journey

Setting: Various Locations Significant to Barbie


Throughout her visits, Barbie 2 takes notes and photos, collecting material for her essay. She begins to feel a sense of clarity about who she is and what she wants to convey.

Act 3: The Resolution

Setting: Back at Home


The film ends with Barbie preparing for her new adventure—college, secure in the knowledge that her journey of self-discovery will make her next chapter even more meaningful.


Through their contrasting approaches to the college admissions process, Ken and Barbie learn valuable lessons about integrity, self-discovery, and the importance of being true to oneself.

Barbie's College Essay Odyssey

Plot Summary:

In a quaint suburban high school, Barbie and Ken, the quintessential all-American teens, face the universal rite of passage: writing their college admissions essays. While Ken succumbs to the pressure and takes a shortcut by hiring a professional to pen his essay, Barbie decides to embark on a transformative journey to discover her authentic self. This divergence in their paths sets the stage for a heartfelt, humorous, and enlightening coming-of-age story that explores identity, integrity, and the lengths one will go to define themselves.

Act 1 kicks off in a bustling high school classroom filled with anxious seniors. Their teacher, Mrs. Johnson, adds fuel to the fire by reminding them of the impending deadline for college applications. Amid the collective groans and eye rolls, Ken confesses to his close circle, including Barbie, that he's considering hiring a professional essay writer, rationalizing it as a "strategic move." Barbie, unconvinced and slightly disappointed in Ken, seeks the advice of her school guidance counselor. Taking her counselor’s advice to heart, Barbie decides that the only way to write an authentic essay is to take a walk down memory lane and visit places that have shaped her. Thrilled with this revelation, she charts a course to six different locations that have been milestones in her journey of growth and self-discovery.

Act 2 transports the audience alongside Barbie as she embarks on her soul-searching adventure. The first stop is her childhood home, where she reflects on her upbringing and the values instilled by her family. Next, she visits the community center, an emblem of her commitment to social work and community service. Then comes the dance studio where she spent countless hours perfecting her pirouettes, embodying the discipline and passion that drive her. At the high school science lab, Barbie's eyes light up as she recalls the experiments and projects that made her fall in love with STEM. Her journey then takes her to an art gallery, where she once had her art showcased, symbolizing her multifaceted talents. The final stop is a treehouse, her secret haven where she used to dream big. At each location, she captures photographs and notes her thoughts, gradually piecing together the jigsaw puzzle of her identity.

As Act 3 unfolds, the contrasts between Barbie and Ken become more apparent. Ken, having received his polished but impersonal essay, feels a sense of emptiness. Barbie, invigorated by her journey, sits down at her desk, her heart swelling with inspiration. Her fingers dance over the keyboard as she translates her discoveries into words. It's as if her soul is pouring out onto the screen. When the day of the deadline arrives, Barbie submits her essay with a sigh of relief and a sense of accomplishment, while Ken’s submission is clouded by a nagging feeling of guilt. Weeks later, they both receive their college acceptance letters. Barbie's joy is amplified by her family and friends, knowing her acceptance was earned through genuine effort and self-reflection. Ken also celebrates but feels a void, questioning the value of a victory that lacks personal investment.

"Barbie's College Essay Odyssey" culminates with Barbie proudly packing her bags for college, ready for her next big adventure. As she places her acceptance letter in a box of keepsakes, she understands that the journey she undertook was not just about getting into college, but also about understanding herself. Ken, on the other hand, is left to ponder the compromises he made, setting the stage for his own path of self-discovery, albeit a little late in the game.

The film serves as a profound exploration of the anxieties and challenges young adults face during transitional phases of life. Through Ken and Barbie, it addresses the ethical and emotional crossroads that are part and parcel of growing up, urging the audience to reflect on their own choices and the kind of people they aspire to be.

outline and explain the characters. Barbie and Ken and all the character they encounter on the way... through this film.

Characters Outline:

Main Characters:

Supporting Characters:


The film's narrative structure allows each character to serve as a mirror reflecting different facets of Barbie’s and Ken’s personalities, ultimately helping or hindering their respective journeys towards self-discovery.

By the end of the film, these characters collectively have offered a tapestry of experiences that helped Barbie evolve, while also laying down the groundwork for Ken's future path to self-improvement.

CAA Barbie Project (2024)

2000 Avenue of the Stars

Los Angeles, CA 90067  

(424) 288-2000