Barbie 2 - Scene 002


Scene #2 Summary:

In a large dining area, Barbie is hard at work waiting tables. The older residents, a mixed group with colorful backgrounds, watch her with admiration and offer commentary on her skills. Unbeknownst to them, Barbie is "THE" Barbie, a point of ignorance attributed to their age and potential dementia. During interactions with the residents, Barbie showcases her wit and humor, making snappy comments that relate to contemporary themes like blockchain and Elon Musk. She also meets Lily, an 8-year-old who lives there and is the great-granddaughter of a resident called Grammy. Barbie confirms that she is not hiding from anyone except bad Wi-Fi and low battery life.

Interesting Plot Ideas:

Interesting Character Ideas:

Interesting Theme Ideas:

"Bridging Generations: A One-on-One with Alan Nafzger, the Mind Behind Barbie 2's Scene 2"

By Kay Room, Entertainment Journalist

With Hollywood buzzing about the upcoming Barbie 2 movie, we managed to snag a moment with its audacious writer, Alan Nafzger. In an exclusive interview, we dug deep into one of the standout scenes from the film to find out how Nafzger isn't phased about stepping into a ring with a $1.4 billion Hollywood legend like Greta Gerwig. Let's dive in.

Kay Room: Alan, thanks for sitting down with us today. The script for Barbie 2 has been generating a lot of buzz, especially that hilarious and emotionally resonant Scene 2. How did you come up with such a scene?

Alan Nafzger: You know, it's like assembling a puzzle. Barbie is such an iconic character, and I wanted to see her interact with people who have no clue who she is. It adds a layer of comedy and irony, and it's just rich soil for humor.

KR: Speaking of comedy and irony, how did you decide to use contemporary references like Elon Musk and blockchain?

AN: Well, the juxtaposition just works beautifully, doesn't it? You have these older characters that represent the past, then you inject modern themes and you suddenly have this collision of worlds. It's like mixing baking soda with vinegar; you're bound to get a reaction.

KR: That's a creative way to put it. Now, this script dares to present Barbie as not just a pretty face but a witty, intelligent woman. Tell me about that choice.

AN: Why should James Bond have all the fun, right? Barbie is a dynamic character, and limiting her to the "dumb blonde" stereotype would be criminal. Wit adds depth and shows that beauty and brains can coexist. It also resonates with today's audience who value strong, independent characters.

KR: Let's talk about the older residents—characters like Wanda, Cherie, and Victoria. They add so much color and texture to the scene. Any inspiration behind them?

AN: Absolutely, I wanted to create characters that are diverse and authentic. Wanda, Cherie, and Victoria are compilations of people we've all met in our lives. They each bring their own histories, their own biases, and their own punchlines.

KR: Hollywood experts have said your script is giving Greta Gerwig, a Hollywood legend, a run for her money. How does that make you feel?

AN: I'm flattered, but honestly, it's like comparing apples to oranges. Or should I say, comparing a classic Barbie doll to a collector's edition? Greta Gerwig is incredible, but I think there's enough room in Hollywood for different takes on iconic characters.

KR: In a nutshell, how would you describe Scene 2 of Barbie 2?

AN: Scene 2 is a microcosm of what the whole movie aims to be—funny, emotionally rich, and delightfully irreverent. It's "Some Like it Hot" meets Elon Musk, with Barbie saving the day.

KR: Well, that's a wrap! Thank you, Alan, for this insightful conversation. We're definitely looking forward to Barbie 2.

AN: My pleasure, Kay. Hope everyone enjoys the film as much as I enjoyed writing it!

For those who can't wait for the Barbie 2 movie, check out the details of the characters, the universe, and the plot. This film is bound to send you over the moon—or perhaps, to Mars!

Download the full script here.