Barbie 2 - Scene 001 



In this scene, Barbie is working as a chef in the Silver Spurs Senior Care Center's kitchen. She's a multitasker, juggling multiple responsibilities from cooking to serving and even managing the staff. Facility Manager Katy informs her that they are running low on mashed potatoes, something Barbie has already anticipated and is working on. Katy then shows Barbie a couple of news articles, revealing that Ken is now a fugitive wanted by the government. Barbie admits she's lying low because of Ken's high-profile problems. Her phone buzzes with a notification that she may have to testify in Ken's case. Despite these challenges, Barbie remains resilient and optimistic, using humor to cope with her stressful situation.

Interesting for the Plot and Theme:

What Does This Say About Barbie and Ken:

The Kay Room: A One-on-One with Alan Nafzger on "Barbie 2"

Kay Room: Good evening, folks! I'm your host, Kay Room, and tonight we have the pleasure of speaking with the ingenious writer behind "Barbie 2," Alan Nafzger. Alan, welcome to the show!

Alan Nafzger: Thank you, Kay! It's an honor to be here.

Kay Room: First things first, you've entered the realm of Barbie, an icon. You're taking on a $1.4 billion Hollywood legend, Greta Gerwig. How does that feel?

Alan Nafzger: It's like being in a culinary duel with Gordon Ramsay but with less swearing. (laughs) Honestly, Greta is a phenomenal talent, but Barbie needed a fresh twist. Besides, I've never shied away from a challenge.

Kay Room: Fair enough! Let's dive right in. Scene 1 from your script is fascinating. Barbie is in a senior care center, and she's not just there as arm candy. She's a chef, a server, practically running the place. What made you think of this setting for Barbie?

Alan Nafzger: Well, Barbie's been a doctor, an astronaut, a super spy—why not a chef? Plus, the senior care center is a microcosm of society, where you have to navigate various challenges, much like Barbie does in the real world. It's like a tech startup but with more mashed potatoes.

Kay Room: Speaking of mashed potatoes, Barbie seems to be prepared for anything. Was that a conscious decision to make her a multitasker?

Alan Nafzger: Absolutely. Barbie's always been resourceful. And in this fast-paced world, who isn't multitasking? She's not just a pretty face; she's a woman of action, even when she's peeling potatoes.

Kay Room: Now, Ken's been portrayed as a fugitive in your script. That's quite a risky approach. What went behind that decision?

Alan Nafzger: Barbie's life isn't all dream houses and convertible cars. I wanted to bring in an element that shakes things up, makes it more relatable. Ken, being in this Elon Musk-esque situation, brings that layer of complexity. He's the guy aiming for the stars, but sometimes you aim so high you hit a satellite on the way up.

Kay Room: I noticed humor plays a significant role in the scene. Is humor the undercurrent for the entire script?

Alan Nafzger: Absolutely, it's a "Some Like it Hot" meets Elon Musk, remember? You can't deal with the weight of legal troubles and interplanetary travel without a few laughs. Humor is the salt to our mashed potatoes here.

Kay Room: Lastly, the scene hints that Barbie might have to testify in Ken's case. This seems like a setup for a larger conflict. Can you tease anything about that?

Alan Nafzger: Ah, I don't want to give too much away, but let's just say Barbie will have to make some tough decisions. The courtroom might be another battlefield for her, but she's armed with resilience and a fantastic wardrobe.

Kay Room: Intriguing! Well, Alan, it was an absolute pleasure having you on the show. We can't wait to see what surprises "Barbie 2" holds.

Alan Nafzger: Thank you, Kay. It was great to be here, and I'm excited for everyone to join Barbie and Ken on this new adventure.

Kay Room: There you have it, folks! That's a wrap for today's episode. Stay tuned for more exclusive interviews only on The Kay Room!