Barbie 2 - Characters

Barbie 2 - Ken Needs Barbie

Barbie and Ken's Adventure to Mars

LOGLINE: Compelled by politics, Ken launches himself into space toward the planet Mars and he needs Barbie to survive when things go wrong. 


Oct 6th, 2023 - 2:19 PM - MY ORIGINAL NOTES

Barbie Sequel: Barbie 2 - List of Characters and Analysis


Ken is a charismatic, ambitious, and visionary entrepreneur, a hybrid of Elon Musk and Jerry Seinfeld with a libertarian edge. He could also be another Jordan Noone. He's the founder of New Space Company, determined to make it to Mars no matter the political or corporate hurdles. His sense of humor is sharp, witty, and sometimes edgy, often using it to defuse tense situations or to make an incisive point about government inefficiency or societal norms. The character is the epitome of the rugged individualist, representing innovation, courage, and the libertarian spirit. However, his drive and ambition sometimes blind him to the needs and contributions of others, particularly Barbie, creating a tension that the movie explores.


Barbie is not just a pretty face; she's a beacon of resilience, ingenuity, and emotional intelligence. She's every bit as capable as Ken, albeit in different ways. When Ken goes off on his Mars mission, leaving Barbie in a precarious situation on Earth, she shows her adaptability and resourcefulness. Barbie exhibits enormous compassion, whether it's for the elderly women at Royal Estates or for Ken himself. She brings the human element into the narrative, serving as the emotional core of the movie. While Ken is flying off to Mars, Barbie is the one who makes sure everything on Earth is grounded.

Barbie's Lawyer 

Barbie's lawyer is a voice of caution and legal wisdom in the movie. The character is a nod to the complex legal entanglements that often accompany great endeavors and serves as a vehicle for introducing the concept of marriage by proxy and disappearance off the radar, a critical plot point. 


HAL (AI Computer)

HAL is the highly advanced AI system that controls Ken's spacecraft and operations at New Space Company. Although a machine, HAL has a personality, programmed to make decisions that prioritize the mission but also to interact with Ken in a way that minimizes isolation in space. HAL represents the peak of private-sector innovation and serves as a contrast to government inefficiency.

Government Officials

These characters serve as the face of bureaucratic inertia, corruption, and inefficiency. They are more interested in maintaining their power and public image than in true progress or justice. They represent the antagonistic force against which Ken and Barbie must struggle, embodying the movie's libertarian critique of government. FBI Agents and Other Government Workers - These characters are the ground soldiers for the bureaucratic machinery. They may not be inherently corrupt but are cogs in a flawed system, dutifully executing orders that are not always just or efficient.

New Space Company Engineers

A racially diverse team skilled in everything from aerospace engineering to AI. They are the unsung heroes who get arrested but continue to believe in the mission. They represent the collective effort behind individual success and also add to the libertarian narrative by being efficient and competent compared to their government counterparts. 

Villainous Owner of the Old Space Company

The owner of Old Space Company serves as a contrast to Ken and represents the older generation of space entrepreneurs who have become too entrenched in their ways, reluctant to innovate or take significant risks. This character has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and is willing to use their considerable influence to hinder Ken's ambitious Mars mission. Unlike Ken, who is driven by a libertarian spirit and a desire for progress, the owner is more focused on protecting market share and sustaining a cozy relationship with government officials. This character brings into focus the tension between traditional, established players in the industry and the disruptive newcomers like Ken.

Engineers of the Old Space Company (All White)

The all-white and slothful engineering team at Old Space Company symbolizes the lack of diversity and inclusivity in traditional corporate settings. These engineers are highly skilled but have been working in a bubble, following the same procedures and philosophies for years. Their reluctance to adopt new methods or consider fresh perspectives serves as a critique of the stagnation that can occur in organizations that do not evolve. They are not necessarily villains but serve as foils to the diverse team at New Space Company. Their conservatism in engineering design and execution contrasts sharply with the innovative, multicultural approach at New Space Company, and their eventual downfall serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of complacency and resistance to change.

Residents of Royal Estates

A mix of colorful personalities, these elderly characters offer comic relief but also serve to ground the movie emotionally. They help to bring out Barbie’s compassionate side and her various skills, from teaching to emergency management.

The True Power lies with... THE LADIES at Table 5 

These women can easily be the narrators they dine together at table 5 and no one dares interfere with this....

Little Girl

An 8-year-old living with her great-grandmother at Royal Estates. She serves as a foil to the elderly residents, embodying youthful exuberance and modern-day awareness. Her attempts to reveal Barbie's identity add a layer of tension and urgency to the storyline.

Lily's Great-Grandmother

Lily's great-grandmother, let's call her Edna, is an 80-year-old woman with a spirit that defies her age. Widowed for a decade, Edna has lived through significant historical events and social changes but remains stubbornly optimistic. She carries a wisdom forged from years of overcoming adversity, yet her eyes still glint with a mischievous youthfulness. When tragedy struck and Lily lost her mother and grandmother, Edna didn't think twice before taking her great-granddaughter under her wing. Fiercely protective, she resists any suggestion to separate from Lily, viewing their bond as not just familial but also as a moral duty to provide Lily the love and security she needs.

Edna is a nuanced character; she can be both strong-willed and gentle, a matriarch who commands respect but also knows when to offer a listening ear or a warm hug. Her background is layered with a mix of hardship and joy, which has made her resilient and empathetic. Her age and life experience make her somewhat of a moral compass in the community, and she has a way of delivering old-world wisdom that resonates even with the younger generations. Her character symbolizes the enduring strength of women across age groups, standing as an emotional pillar for Lily while providing a grounded perspective amidst the chaos surrounding Barbie and Ken's high-stakes endeavors.