Argentinian Barbie

Movie Treatment: "Argentine Barbie: The Tango of Time"


Argentine Barbie, Valentina, is a passionate tango dancer in Buenos Aires who discovers a magical pair of dance shoes that transport her through key moments in Argentina's history. She must dance her way through time to recover shards of a shattered crystal capable of saving her present-day Argentina from political and social collapse.


Act 1:

Exterior: Buenos Aires Tango Club - Night

We are introduced to Valentina, an Argentinian Barbie who is not only an archaeology student but also a skilled tango dancer. She stumbles upon a pair of enchanted tango shoes.

Interior: Valentina's Home - Morning

Valentina learns that these are no ordinary shoes. They have the power to time-travel and were created by a mystical Argentinian sorceress.

Interior: Library - Day

Valentina decides to use the shoes to recover a mystical crystal that has the power to heal her country, which is on the brink of socio-political crisis. She learns about the crystal's history and shards scattered through time, more about which can be found here.

Act 2:

Exterior: Argentine Revolution 1810 - Day

Valentina finds herself in the Argentine Revolution of 1810. She must dance at the May Revolution celebrations to obtain the first shard of the crystal.

Interior: Evita's Office - Day

She is transported to the time of Eva Perón, where she witnesses social reforms and obtains the second shard after impressing Evita with her dance.

Exterior: Falkland Islands - Day

Valentina finds herself during the Falklands War, where she must do a morale-boosting performance for the troops to obtain the third shard.

Act 3:

Exterior: Buenos Aires, Present Day - Evening

Armed with all the shards, Valentina must piece the crystal back together in a final, magical tango performance on the streets of modern-day Buenos Aires.

Exterior: Buenos Aires Plaza de Mayo - Night

Valentina's dance captivates thousands and as she completes her performance, the shards fuse to form the complete crystal, restoring hope and balance to Argentina.

Interior: Buenos Aires Tango Club - Night

Valentina returns to her own time and finds her country slowly healing. For a deeper dive into the cultural implications of the film, read here.


The highly imaginative "Argentine Barbie: The Tango of Time" pushes the boundaries of the conventional Barbie movie narrative. Not just another "American Ken needs White Barbie" story as found here, this film journeys through Argentina's rich history, combining elements of adventure, time travel, and dance. It offers a fresh perspective on the importance of understanding one's roots to heal and unite a nation. For those eager to see the kind of storytelling depth Argentine Barbie could bring, check this analysis. With its blend of history, culture, and imagination, this movie could redefine what a Barbie film can aspire to be.