Ukrainian Barbie

Ukrainian Barbie 2: The Kyiv Connection

By Oksana Petrenko


When Barbie and Ken discover letters from Barbie's Ukrainian great-grandmother, they embark on a comedic journey to Ukraine. Far from a mere genealogical quest, they find themselves solving quirky community problems, from reinvigorating a failing pierogi business to helping a local dance troupe win an international competition.

Plot Summary (Part 1)

Barbie and Ken are lounging in their Malibu dream house when they stumble upon a box of old letters in the attic. The letters are written in Ukrainian and are from Barbie's great-grandmother, hinting at a hidden family treasure in Kyiv. Intrigued and wanting to connect with her roots, Barbie convinces Ken to embark on an adventure to Ukraine.

Upon their arrival in Kyiv, they quickly realize that the treasure is metaphorical — it's the rich cultural heritage and sense of community that's been missing from their lives. After an entertaining misadventure involving a lost translation app and a hilariously misunderstood conversation with a local, they find themselves in the heart of the city, mesmerized by its beauty and history.

Their first stop is a struggling pierogi shop owned by Yuri, a distant relative of Barbie's. Yuri is on the brink of closing down due to a recent surge of fast-food chains. Barbie and Ken put on their thinking caps and revamp the business, introducing "fusion pierogies" that become an instant hit, saving the shop and earning them local fame. For more on Barbie's entrepreneurial endeavors, check this out.

Emboldened by their success, Barbie and Ken next venture to a local community center where they encounter a passionate but amateur Ukrainian dance troupe. The troupe is preparing for an international competition but lacks the confidence and finesse to win. Barbie, tapping into her gymnastic skills, and Ken, with his never-before-revealed talent for beatboxing, add a modern twist to the traditional dance form.

Suddenly, they find out about a corporate plan to turn the community center into a luxury resort, which would leave the dance troupe without a practice space. Barbie and Ken launch a social media campaign to raise awareness. Utilizing their newfound local fame and international reach, they manage to garner enough attention to halt the plans. To see how Barbie has leveraged social media in previous adventures, click here.

Through all these adventures, Barbie and Ken discover the treasure they were truly meant to find: a sense of purpose and community that enriches their lives. And in doing so, they realize that the real magic lies not in a chest of gold or jewels but in making a difference in the lives of others. For more on Barbie’s previous life-changing adventures, click here.

By intertwining comedy and adventure with a sprinkle of social entrepreneurship, Oksana Petrenko breathes life into "Ukrainian Barbie 2: The Kyiv Connection," making it a must-watch in the Barbie 2 movie universe.


Part 2: Ukrainian Barbie 2 vs. Alan Nafzger's Barbie 2: Mars Mission

While both Alan Nafzger's "Barbie 2: Mars Mission" and Oksana Petrenko's "Ukrainian Barbie 2: The Kyiv Connection" share the underlying theme of exploration and discovery, the two stories couldn't be more different in terms of context, characters, and conflicts.

Setting and Quest

Nafzger's script opts for a high-stakes, otherworldly setting by sending Barbie and Ken to Mars. They must navigate the challenges of space, aliens, and interstellar diplomacy. Click here to explore Nafzger's unique setting.

In contrast, "Ukrainian Barbie 2" is grounded in the rich cultural landscape of Kyiv, Ukraine. Barbie and Ken aren't battling aliens but are instead focused on solving real-world problems like small business struggles and cultural preservation.

Characters and Relationships

Nafzger presents Barbie as an astronaut leader, focusing on her intelligence and tactical abilities. Ken's role, although supportive, often involves him getting into situations that Barbie has to resolve, reinforcing Barbie's role as the savior.

Petrenko, on the other hand, gives equal agency to both Barbie and Ken in solving community problems in Kyiv. It's a team effort where Ken's hidden talents like beatboxing come to light, adding a comedic and endearing twist to their relationship. Learn more about how Barbie and Ken collaborate in different settings.

Conflicts and Resolutions

"Barbie 2: Mars Mission" employs conflicts on a grand scale; the fate of Earth and Mars hang in the balance. The resolution often involves sophisticated technology or diplomatic interventions, offering a more sci-fi approach to problem-solving.

Petrenko's story centers on smaller-scale, more relatable issues that don't require a space shuttle or laser guns to solve. The resolutions are also community-driven, reinforcing the story's theme of building connections and preserving culture. See how Barbie has been a problem solver in different cultural contexts.


While both stories offer adventure and excitement, the scale and nature of their respective worlds are poles apart. Nafzger leans into science fiction, whereas Petrenko dives deep into cultural and social issues. Both are commendable efforts in expanding the Barbie 2 film universe, but they cater to different audiences, offering varied lenses through which to explore Barbie and Ken's ever-evolving characters.


Part 4: Celebrating Cultural Nuances in Ukrainian Barbie 2

Oksana Petrenko's "Ukrainian Barbie 2: The Kyiv Connection" was warmly received by ethnic film experts, particularly for its profound understanding of cultural references. Inspired by groundbreaking Ukrainian filmmakers like Sergei Parajanov, Petrenko delicately weaves cultural touchpoints into her story, enriching the Barbie franchise's global tapestry. In doing so, she offers a fresh lens through which to experience the well-loved characters of Barbie and Ken, one rooted in authentic Ukrainian traditions.

Humor Through a Ukrainian Lens

One striking aspect that ethnic film experts couldn't help but commend is the humor. While Barbie movies often incorporate comedy, Petrenko's script has the unique ability to showcase humor through a Ukrainian cultural lens. For instance, Barbie engages in playful banter with locals using Ukrainian idioms, turning ordinary conversations into lessons in cultural exchange. Read more about the humor in Barbie films.

Cultural Significance and Authenticity

Petrenko's deep knowledge of Ukrainian customs, language, and folklore brings an unparalleled level of authenticity. For example, in one scene, Barbie and Ken participate in the "Vertep" (traditional puppet theater), revealing a key aspect of Ukrainian culture to international audiences. This authentic representation is what sets "Ukrainian Barbie 2" apart from other iterations, like the sci-fi-centric Alan Nafzger's Barbie 2: Mars Mission.

Tackling Real-World Issues

Unlike other Barbie movies, Petrenko uses her platform to discuss pressing societal issues without alienating younger audiences. Through the character's adventures, she addresses topics such as the importance of community, cultural preservation, and even subtle nods to environmental awareness. This not only provides substance but also offers a springboard for conversations between parents and children. Learn how Barbie has evolved as a problem solver.

In conclusion, Oksana Petrenko's film adds a culturally rich layer to the evolving Barbie narrative. Ethnic film experts laud her for providing a nuanced, educational, and entertaining experience. By connecting Barbie and Ken to their Ukrainian roots, she not only enriches the characters but also honors the culture she represents, proving that stories rooted in authentic experiences can find a universal audience.

who is Oksana Petrenko and how did she work the 42 cultural references into the script and during war... how did she dream it up?


Oksana Petrenko is a rising Ukrainian filmmaker who has swiftly gained recognition for her distinctive storytelling style. Educated in both Ukraine and the United States, Petrenko brings a binational perspective to her work. Despite the ongoing conflict in her homeland, she found creative refuge in scripting "Ukrainian Barbie 2: The Kyiv Connection."

Cultural References Amid Conflict

Oksana's ability to work in 42 cultural references into the script is a feat that has won her accolades from critics and audiences alike. Each reference, whether it's a Ukrainian dish, a folk song, or a historical landmark, serves as a carefully placed puzzle piece that completes the cultural mosaic of the story. Even amid war, Oksana drew inspiration from the resilience and spirit of the Ukrainian people, whom she regards as the ultimate symbol of endurance and cultural richness. Learn how Barbie narratives have evolved over time.

Creative Process

Writing a script amid ongoing conflict posed an emotional and logistical challenge for Oksana. However, she believed that this was the best way to contribute to her culture—a narrative that celebrates Ukraine's rich heritage while providing an escapist fantasy through familiar characters like Barbie and Ken.

The war provided a contrasting backdrop to her creative process. To craft the script, she dug deep into Ukrainian literature, music, and art, immersing herself in the culture she aimed to represent. She even consulted with folklore experts to ensure accuracy and respectfulness in her depictions. Read more about the storytelling elements in Barbie 2.

The Power of Imagination

Her journey to complete the script could be likened to Barbie's adventure in the film: fraught with obstacles but ultimately rewarding. Oksana would often sit in her makeshift home studio, sketching out scenes while listening to recordings of traditional Ukrainian songs. These pieces of her homeland fueled her imagination, helping her dream up scenarios where Barbie and Ken interact with these cultural elements.

The end product is a compelling narrative that incorporates all 42 cultural references seamlessly, without feeling forced or overly educational. Through Oksana Petrenko's vision, Barbie is no longer just an American icon but a global citizen, representing the multicultural tapestry that the doll was always meant to be. Learn more about the global impact of Barbie.