Watch the video series and use the technique of adding structure to your figure drawings.

Deliverable: Pages of Structure Drawings as determined by your instructor.

Drew Hill - Showing the structure of the figure which defines the 3 planes of shadow and light on the form

still from Character Design Tutorial by Drew Hill

Drew Hill - Showing the structure of the figure they can be cylinders and cubes -But check out how these have flow and shape design also.

still from Character Design Tutorial by Drew Hill

Character Design Tutorial by Drew Hill

Claudia Pimentel - Structure helps inform perspective and volume. Experiment with shapes that work for you - your shape language will develop from these practices.

Mikayla Taylor - Structured Gestures

Structure Gesture Drawing by Darian Papineau - Draw Over by James Suhr

See Vilppu Drawing Manual Volume I: Gesture Location 165 in Kindle EBook

Cobin Swets - Note the motion in his figures

Sarah Puett- Structure Drawing

Alex Sophabmisay - Structure Drawing with value connections that move through the figure.

Jordan Vohel - Line of Action with Structure Drawing - Start with the hips and rib cage then add the legs, arms and head structure.

Jordan Vohel - Line of Action with Structure Drawing

Sarah Puett - Structure in Figure Drawing - When looking for dynamic poses lunges are a great place to start - search for fencing lunge.

Sarah Puett - Structure in Figure Drawing - She has a great flow to this work and exaggeration of the movement to create an awesome silhouette.

Joseph Mead - Structure in Character from photo reference which is included, note the line of action and the action lines for the baseball player.

Rae Barrett- Structure in Character, this is a great example of using value that follows through the entire form, not just spots of darkness, instead the darkness is all connected.

Stan Prokopenko - Structure Basics - Making Things Look 3D

Stan Prokopenko - Landmarks of the Human Body -

These landmarks are important to find and give you the corners that add the structure to your drawing.

KCAD Digital Character Drawing curriculum and site designed by Susan Bonner.