digital art and design logo



The best way to stay on track and meet your graduation and career goals is to:

Advising Process Details

2. Consider how many credits are you taking? To graduate in 4 years, you will need to take 15 credits per semesters or 12 per semester for Fall and Spring and 6 credits during the Summer.

3. Schedule an advising session with a full time faculty member or attend an advising session. There, you will receive advise regarding your eventual Program Elective selections and which courses to enroll in next. 

4. Register on MYFSU ( > myFSU) If you do not know how to log into MYFSU, a faculty member or Carol Sloan can show you how.

Digital Art and Design Advisors 

Susan Bonner (she, her, hers)

Bill Fischer (he, him, his)

Mike Dollar (he, him, his)

General Academic Advising: Carol Sloan