Facial Action


Explore Character Faces in different moods. Draw 9-16 of the same character head. Draw only the head to keep this simple.

Think about the squash and stretch of the face and how the eyebrows can be actors on the face. Move the eyes around on the face to tell the story. The mouth can move the cheeks and eyes around. Having a liquid or clay understanding of the face allows for your character to act. Use the size of the pupils to show emotion too - small and fully showing will show fear. Covered pupils pushed down will show anger. Glen Keane's Tangle Flynn Rider Facial Expressions (see bottom of page) are excellent examples of a liquid style face that stays on model. Go to the pinterest Facial Expression pins for more examples. (You will need a pinterest password to enter).

Submit your jpg Files to the Google Drive

Suggested Expressions:

Angry Scared Disgusted Shocked Flirty Sad Tired Ill/Nauseous Silly Triumphant Confused Sarcastic


Face Tips by Claudia Pimentel

Student Examples:

Chloe Stewart - Emoticons - Notice how she is squashing and stretching the face as the mouth pushes the cheeks and the eyebrows pull the forehead. The goal is to keep the same overall mass but to allow the expression to push it.

Will Beckwith - Facial Expressions done in Illustrator

Kyle Smith - Facial Expressions - the shape of the neck is helping his character have a base to stretch and squash on

Sarah Zuccaro Facial Emotion Exploration by - Draw Over by James Suhr

Tarah Condell - Facial Expressions for Chloe

Sarah Drews - Character Expression Sheet

Claudia Pimentel - Expression Study from TRY Youtube Channel Screencaps

Professional Examples:

Glen Keane - Tangle Flynn Rider Facial Expressions - Note the Squash and stretch.