Netflix Reviews

Netflix's Black Spot S1 and S2. 4 out of 5 Stars. If you are not watching French-Belgian Crime Dramas, well, I get that. It took me like 5 episodes to settle in and get used to the distinctly international aspects of this show - 1) some many people smoking in 2020 and 2) people who have faith in Para-Country Organizations (like the EU and NATO). It is really different but that is the great thing about it. The cops don't have uniforms, they just wear jeans and like whatever winter jacket and winter hat they had at home. Also since it is a small town, cop and detective are just delightfully mixed together. Very cool show.

5 out of 5 Stars. I really liked this "Take that ET" actioner. I just watched the film without looking it up first and thought it was a brand new Netflix Original. I was quite surprised that this came out in 2011. I never even heard of it. Where is the sequel to this? I would watch the heck out of the sequel to this.

3 out of 5 Stars. This was "Knives Out" made by Hallmark Channel. Some of the movies Netflix is making now are clearly "Made for TV" Movies. Logically, that term should no longer have any meaning. (I am using "Small Screen" now as the term Television is incredibly muddled with all that is happening in Media currently.) There are really a lot of new "Made For TV" movies coming out of Netflix. That is fascinating. Not a bad thing, just an interesting thing.

Netflix's Into the Night S1. 4 out of 5 Stars. This Belgian action drama features Laurent Capelluto. If you don't know who Laurent Capelluto is - he is Europe's Tom Hanks. Super talented and an anchor to any show or movie graced with his presence. Into the Night's concept is that the sun kills everyone who not in an underground bunker when it passes over. The tale follows a diverse (Italian, Polish, French, British) group of people who fly from airport to airport, outracing the sun. Pretty cool. Also, because of this show I am now fully aware that Belgium is its own country, not a province of Germany.