Spherion American Witch Ace

Spherion (American Witch Ace)

by J. Scott Garibay

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  • Contemporary Fantasy


  • IronAngel \ Los Angeles Ideation Crew Jasper \ Miles2Go \ Brazil Dev Crew Ruby


  • Linux


  • Story Interstitials \ Action Adventure


  • Multiplayer \ Third-person Perspective


  • Rewn, a moniker for the American Society of Witches, have kept the existence of American Witches a closely guarded secret from the public since its inception in 1734. In 2017 the Albino Morel Incident occurred. For a few days a rumor buzzed within Rewn that a new type of mushroom (Albino Morel) being grown in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania was making the spells it was used to craft permanent (rather than the default state of temporary). When the rumor was confirmed to be true, groups of witches aligned which each of the five Rewn Aviaries descended on Kennett Square. In one night a brutal witch battle ensued, killing 17 witches and a large store of Albino Morels were stolen. The Albino Morel Incident was a debacle for Rewn. 1) Only 8 American Witches had died in combat with one another since the group's inception in 1734, 2) American Witches had never stolen anything from any supplier of magical spells previously and 3) obscuring what had occurred from the public was costly. Immediately American Witch Leads from all five Aviaries met in council and worked out an armistice - in one year, each of the five Aviaries would field a team of 13 witches to participate in a one night Witch War in the Ozarks, with the event structured after traditional mundane wars with forces for Land, Sea and Air. All current disputes (including the procurement and possession of Albino Morels) between all five Aviaries would decided by the outcome of the Ozark Witch War. All combat between the five Aviaries ceased and immediately each Aviary began recruiting and structuring and (later) drilling their teams. Aviary Azure’s Ozark Witch War Team Lead Theresa Gaillard identifies Emma Hauley, a college age American Witch who is low status within Aviary Azure and recruits her because Emma’s grandfather, Patrick Hauley, was a heralded Vietnam Fighter Pilot. Emma is tasked by Theresa to learn the basics of BCM (Basic Combat Maneuvers) from her grandfather (while continuing to keeping her status as a Witch secret from her Grandfather). Emma is successful in getting a sound understanding of BCM from her grandfather, but in addition to the knowledge of BCM, Emma’s Grandfather insists on teaching her how to form a team and become a leader. This additional knowledge strains Emma’s relationship with Theresa as the Aviary Azure Ozark Witch War Team prepares.


  • KEY Name - Race Gender \ Birth Year (Age) \ Faction, Segment (Hierarchy) \ Distinctors \ Additional
  • Emma Hauley - Human Female \ 1996 (21) \ American Witch, Aviary Azure (Corvus Silver) \ Wears two rings on each hand \ Born in Joplin, Missouri > Likes Jalapeno Burgers
  • Patrick Hauley - Human Male \ Born 1948 (69) \ American Air Force Veteran \ Suffers from Eczema \ Flew an F4 Phantom II in the on 70 missions in Vietnam War > Has a Corgi named Bold
  • Theresa Gaillard - Human Female \ Born 1988 (29) \ American Witch, Aviary White (Corvus Iridium) \ Aquiline Nose \ Fondest summer memory - riding big wheels with her brother William > Excellent at Chess
  • Auxiliary


  • KEY Name - Race Gender \ Birth Year (Age) \ Faction, Segment (Hierarchy) \ Distinctors \ Additional
  • Cady Anthony - Human Female \ 1994 (23) \ American Witch, Aviary Cerise (Corvus Iridium) \ Bright smile \ Aviary Cerise’s Ozark Witch War Team Lead and childhood friend of Emma
  • Cindy Washington - Human Female \ 1996 (21) \ American Witch, Aviary Azure (Corvus Osmium) \ Wears a Side Pony \ Aviary Azure’s Ozark Witch War Team Flyer tasked with mastering and teaching the Immelman to the team
  • Meg Constance - Human Female \ 1995 (22) \ American Witch, Aviary Azure (Corvus Osmium) \ Sports unique manicures \ Aviary Azure’s Ozark Witch War Team Flyer Flyer tasked with mastering and teaching the Cuban Eight to the team
  • Parker Heidenvern - Human Female \ 1990 (27) \ American Witch, Aviary Azure (Corvus Iridium) \ Jagged scar across right eye \ Aviary Azure’s Ozark Witch War Team Flyer tasked with mastering and teaching the Chandelle to the team
  • Auxiliary


  • “Rewn” is a nickname that American Witches uses for “Red, White and Newt, the American Witch Society”. The long title of the organization was given to it by its founder Luncinda Fuller in its year of inception, 1734. Rewn is the most powerful organization of American Witches, with over 90% of the Witches in America being members. Its membership hovers between 70,000 and 80,000 and there is strong consensus among its members that the number of members should never be allowed to go into six figures.The few other Witch Organizations that exist within America have only have dozens to hundreds of members. Rewn supplies for Rewn Witches 1) a hierarchy, 2) a spell repository and 3) spell component procurement assistance. When American Witches join Rewn they gain access to the hierarchy, the spell repository and spell component procurement assistance, but their position in the hierarchy determines their level of access to the spell repository and spell component procurement assistance. American Witches who are not members of Rewn are referred to as “Hedge Witches”. All Hedge Witches are far less powerful than the average Corvus Osmium Rewn Witch as their ability to learn and create and cast spells is massively reduced compared to Rewn Witches (due to their access to the spell repository and spell component procurement assistance).


  • Aviary Azure
  • Aviary Ivory
  • Aviary Cerise
  • Aviary Viridescent
  • Aviary Ebony
  • All Aviaries care for Wravens


  • Wravens are Rewn Witch familiars. They are ravens who have in one ritual (conducted by five Rewn Witches other than the Rewn Witch the Wraven will be bound to) had multiple spells cast on them to make them 1) immune to damage from non-magical sources, 2) bound to their Rewn Witch (which allows the Rewn Witch to share all five senses of the Wraven), 3) have Aviary-Specific-Abilities (Wrights) which are powerful and range drastically from one Aviary to another and 4) have the base color corresponding to their Aviary.


  • Highest (Rhenium) to Lowest (Silver)
  • Corvus Rhenium - American Witch (Sigil)
  • Corvus Ruthenium - American Witch (Aviary Lead)
  • Corvus Rhodium - American Witch (Aviary Council)
  • Corvus Iridium - American Witch (Spell Nix)
  • Corvus Osmium - American Witch (Spell Creator)
  • Corvus Gold - American Witch (Guide)
  • Corvus Palladium - American Witch (Novice)
  • Corvus Silver - American Witch (Caster)