Borrowing From Literary Fiction (Philcon 2019 Panel Notes)

Panel Description “There's been a spate of genre-blending novels and films lately; think Annihilation Station Eleven and The Magicians. These stories borrow elements of literary fiction and mix them with sci-fi, fantasy and horror. What benefits arise from blending them together? What can writers learn from these works to better their own style?”

Panelist comments are listed under their name

SHANNON OSHEA (Speculative Fiction Writer)

  • The Magicians

  • Craft, more than just pretty words

KARALYN MORRIS (Horror Writer, Freelance Academic Editor, Copyeditor, Developmental Editor)

  • Blended Novels (Novels that mix Genre Elements and Literary Elements)

  • Archetypal Blended Novels (Station Eleven, Annihilation)

  • Eye of the World (Plot Heavy, Character Light)

  • Station Eleven (Character Heavy, Plot Light)

  • What drives the story

  • Plot (genre) versus character (literary)

  • Storytelling (genre) versus craft (literary)

  • Hold interest (genre) versus explore theme (literary)

  • (sacrifice attention)

ERIC PARMER (English Literature Scholar)

  • Character Quirks rather than Character Work (Wheel of Time)

  • Pick up yourself and carry the ball

  • The book of the New Sun

  • The Pisces (voice driven) Helen Phillips

  • The Witch

  • Speed Acceleration

  • Purple Prose

  • Shirley Jackson (The Lottery)

  • Academic link to literature

  • Money aspect

  • The Berry Giant and Ursula K Leguin