The Garibay Gamemaster Hierarchy

Gamemastering is not an easy endeavor. Indeed, one could spend decades mastering the overlapping skillsets that create a skilled Gamemaster.

Below is the Garibay Gamemaster Hierarchy - criteria to group a Gamemaster by level of experience (Elite, Veteran or Troop).


An Elite Gamemaster has - 


A Veteran Gamemaster is a Gamemaster that fails one or more criteria to be an Elite Gamemaster, but meets all of the Elite Gamemaster criteria if each 7 is replaced with a 3.


A Troop Gamemaster is a Gamemaster that fails one or more criteria to be an Elite Gamemaster, but meets all of the Elite Gamemaster criteria if each 7 is replaced with a 1.

The purpose of this hierarchy is to help set a growth path for Gamemasters and to acknowledge growth that has already occurred. Thank you.