3X3C (Cubing) Dungeon

In December 2019 I solved a Rubik's Cube for the first time. In January 2020, I became a World Ranked Speed Cuber. As a core focus of my life, all of my activities eventually circle into crossover with Tabletop Roleplaying Games. Correspondingly, shortly after I began Speed Cubing I saw the untapped potential of Speed Cubes for 5E.

Speed Cubes can be used to quickly build varied, complex terrain for all kinds of 5E campaigns. Here you can see a Human Fighter, an Elf Rogue, a Human Cleric and a Human Wizard face off against three Fiends who have each summoned a separate Minor Fire Elemental.

Here our 12 Speed Cubes are representing a 40 foot by 60 foot terrain consisting of difficult terrain (ice) and near freezing water that represents a drowning hazard to each armored PC.

There are lots of ways to represent battle terrain for 5E. Why should you use Speed Cubes? First, your current battle terrain comes out on the day of the game and then sits in a drawer the rest of the week. Speed Cubes are useful on Game Day and serve a fun and useful purpose (as puzzles, the rest of the week). Second, because each Speed Cube has 43 quintillion combinations they allow for a host of options that other battle terrain cannot represent. Third, as a unique approach to battle terrain, Speed Cubes invite Dungeon Masters to use colors and patterns to reward different character builds with tactical and strategic bonuses that can be crafted and adjusted between encounters, game sessions and campaigns.

Every cube shown here was purchased through The Cubicle (not a sponsor, just a spectacular supplier who has filled every order I have made with them near perfectly). You can recreate this exact setup for as little as $60 using all Yuxin Little Magic 3X3s. You could also spend as much as $660 to recreate this exact setup using all Ganz 356 XSs. Either way, your players will be delighted to have a GameMaster who is taking their game to the next level (in battle terrain). Please reach out to me on Twitter (@jsgaribay) to let me know how you use this new battle terrain option to improve your 5E game.