Spherion Shroud Paladin

Spherion (Shroud Paladin)

by J. Scott Garibay

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  • Superheroes


  • IronAngel \ Miles2Go \ Lithuania Dev Crew Sapphire


  • Microsoft Windows


  • Multiplayer Online RPG \ Third-person Perspective


  • Superhero


  • Terra Jussive is a world separated from our Earth by three small increments of Time, Space and Matter. Located exactly one 1 second away, 1 Yoctometer away and 1 Element away from our Earth, Terra Jussive is home to superheroes and supervillains. On Terra Jussive, Colorways leads a team of virtuous superheroes who have dedicated themselves to stopping all those who would harm Syndros City.


  • A team of superheroes lead by Colorways, consisting of Dobutsu, Fjord, Artemis and Sage


  • A team of supervillains lead by Gormanst, consisting of Land Shark, Cold Iron, PangoLynn and Brazier


  • KEY Moniker \ Race Gender Age \ Power \ Actual Name \ Miscellaneous
  • Colorways \ Human Female 22 \ Daub - Skin to skin contact applies a color to a human, affecting them with a condition that is specific to the color chosen \ Ximena Garazo \ Raised in New Chimago, Illinois > Leader of Paladin > Colorways received her powers when she was struck on the head by a paint can that fell from roof ledge while she was waiting in line for a new Air Gordon colorway
  • Sage \ Human Male 20 \ Clarity - Right, true answer to one question asked by someone who has never asked Sage a question > Once used Clarity restores (and is available to use again) in 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 or 23 days > When Clarity restores Sages head glows with an inner light and he loses perception for a number of seconds equal to the days since the last restore of Clarity \ James Whittingham \ Enjoys playing soccer in a small recreational league in Syndros City
  • Dobutsu \ Human Female 24 \ Henkan Suru - Changes her human form into the form of any animal in under two seconds > Henkan Suru can be used as often Dobutsu chooses to use it, without limit \ Sayaka Ahido \ Raised in Tokyo, Japan > Follows fashion trends and attempts to pick up new pieces when she can afford them
  • Artemis \ Deity Scion Female Ageless \ Divinity - Divine strength, endurance and acuity > Ferrion and Thrace (A magical bow that shoots energy bolts and a magical dagger that Artemis has used to block bullets and breach tanks) \ Artemis inhabits Jennifer Almherst, a graduate student who had been working on a Thesis about Artemis’ base nature \ Is uncomfortable in her time when not actively serving as a superhero > Is impatient with mortal subjects, but is aware that her impatience comes off as rude to most humans > Enjoys hunting in the Cascade Range but limits her trips to two or three times a year so that Paladin is not forced to be without her considerable addition to the team
  • Fjord \ Obscured Obscured Obscured \ Bulwark - Made of Rock, Moss and Dirt > Immune to damage that does not completely deconstruct Fjord > Immune to poison, suffocation, illness and disease of all types \ Obscured \ Discovered near Myrdalsjokull, Iceland by Colorways > Secretly, a few times a week Colorways spends time with Fjord to read it children’s books > Fjord does not speak or write and communicates only with gestures and nods and shakes of its head > Fjord does not use technology as tools > Fjord is too large and heavy to fit into anything smaller than a wide load truck > Syndros City maintains a special wide load truck and a cargo helicopter specifically for the transportation of Fjord around the city > When Artemis goes to the Cascade Range she brings Fjord with her to roam on its own in the mountain range while she is hunting
  • Gormanst \ Human Female 28 \ Toro Bravo - Since 1924, members of Gomanst’s Pamplona-based family have Run With the Bulls > Gormanst is able to channel the energy of each of the runs that a member of her family has participated in, unleashing that energy in many ways including spectral bulls surging forth and attacking foes, granting a bull's strength to an ally through a touch or even applying a gore wound to an opponent in melee or ranged combat \ Elizabeth Zufia \ Meets with the Gem Wolves infrequently
  • Cold Iron \ Human Male 24 \ At Hand - At will, forms melee weapons made of iron > If handed to another person the weapon becomes permanent, otherwise the weapon disappears when used to strike a foe \ James Broche \ When not serving Gormanst, Gormanst travels the world going to different Renaissance Fairs working to work as a blacksmith
  • Brazier \ Human Female 23 \ Smoulder - Create gouts of flame which can be hurled > Completely immune to damage by fire \ Stephany Weisel \ Raised in Williamsburg, Brooklyn > Enjoys reading the Talmud
  • Land Shark \ Human Male 25 \ Great White - Able to transform into a beast like human-shark hybrid with increased strength and endurance > Can engage in swift, savage brawling > Able to smell blood up to five miles away > Able to breath underwater \ Arna Prosser \ Enjoys surfing
  • PangoLynn \ Human Female 21 \ Pholidotax - Able to cover her body in an impenetrable suit of armor that is air tight \ Lynn Sharrock \ Reads heroine-centered novels that focus on the protagonist’s trials


  • KEY Moniker \ Race Gender Age \ Power \ Actual Name \ Miscellaneous
  • “Scoops” \ Human Female 35 \ None \ Penny Julewent \ Top reporter for Syndros City Action News
  • NA \ Human Male 26 \ None \ Anthony Branthel \ Penny Julewent’s camerman
  • Any Playable Characters that are involved in a Playthrough that have not been selected by a Player are by default controlled by the Game Engine


  • Mellor (Colorways) \ Lewandowski (Sage) \ Jefferson (Fjord) \ Rethchoe (Gormanst)


Gormanst meets with the rest of the members of Shroud (Land Shark, Brazier, Cold Iron and PangoLynn) in an abandoned clock tower in Waltham, a blighted section of Syndros City. She laments how Shroud’s last scheme to steal a prototype steer being brought into Syndros City for the Agriculture Innovation Fair held at the Syndros City Convention Center was stopped by Paladin. PangoLynn points out that the multi-million dollar painting “Sun Lilies” by long deceased famous French Painter Sabine Vangogh will be arriving at the Syndros City Art Museum tomorrow. Cold Iron points out that since it is only two days since their attempt to steal the prototype steer the odds that Sage’s ability to determine their whereabouts (the way Shroud was stopped on the prototype steer attempt) through Clarity is unlikely because the odds are Clarity has not yet refreshed.

Gormanst agrees that striking quickly to steal “Sun Lilies” the next day is an opportunity and Shroud begins to plan their approach for stealing “Sun Lilly”.

The next day ColorWays, Dobutsu and Artemis are at Saint Ermingeln’s Hospital on the south side of Syndros City. Colorways is using her ability to heal with various colors on some of the patients. Dobutsu is entertaining children in the Oncology area by transforming into different animals. Artemis is telling tales of her twin brother Apollo to a group of nurses. News of an attack at the Syndros City Art Museum interrupts their morning and the three quickly gather out front of the hospital to wait for a Syndros City Police Department Helicopter that soon arrives and shuttles them to the Art Museum. Colorways, Dobutsu and Artemis arrive at the Art Museum to witness Sage and Fjord battling all of Shroud, except for PangoLynn.

Fjord charges up the Art Museum stairs and delivers a staggering blow to Land Shark. Gormanst launches a swirling maelstrom of spectral bulls at Sage. Sage leaps over the stampeding herd and catches himself on the extended ornate spear of a statue near the edge of the Art Museum stairs. Dobutsu leaps from the helicopter, transforming into a hawk and starting to make her way toward Gormanst, as Colorways shouts down to Sage to watchout. Sage looks up and smiles at Colorways even as a scorching blast of flame from Brazier strikes him full in the back, causing him to fall ten feet to the ground. Sage attempts to rise, but instead slumps and burns.

Artemis commands a Syndros Police Office in the helicopter to hold her belt from behind and the officer does so Artemis fires bolts of divine energy at Gormanst and Cold Iron. Gormanst dodges Artemis’ attack, but Cold Iron is hit square in the chest and falls unconscious.

The helicopter pilot sets down and Colorways runs to Dobutsu who is patting out the flames of Sage’s uniform.

Fjord picks Land Shark up and throws him 40 feet, striking a food truck with his body.

Gormanst whistles and Brazier and Land Shark to follow her as she dashes to a near body sewer grate. Land Shark, limping and clearly wounded, tears a heavy grate up and flings it Colorways, Dobutsu and Sage. Dobutsu transforms into a Silverback and deflects the grate with strong forearms, saving Colorways and Sage from a terrible blow. Gormanst, Brazier and Land Shark escape into the sewer of Syndros City.

Artemis pursues the three into the sewers but returns 10 minutes later to tell Colorways that she lost them in the maze likes tunnels below.

Later that evening, Colorways discusses with Artemis in whispers outside of Sage’s recovery room at Saint Ermingeln’s Hospital how they 1) missed that PangoLynn had carried the painting off on a separate, clear open escape route while Shroud purposely distracted Paladin, 2) that Dobutsu’s secret love for Sage is becoming a serious issue as Dobutsu’s abilities would have easily allowed her to successfully track Gormanst, Land Shark and Brazier, averting their escape and that 3) Cold Iron’s imprisonment was their only success of the day.