Day 2

Body of the Lesson Plan-Day Two (60-minutes total)

Teacher Talk: Introduce to Lesson (5 minutes)

“Today we are going to continue exploring geometric transformations. Yesterday we saw a brief overview of the three types. Can anyone remember what they were?” Student raise hands and answer: translation, reflection, and rotation. “Good job, today we are going to take a closer look at these types of transformations. But first let’s go over what we know about them from yesterday.”

Before Reading Activity: Frayer Model (15 minutes)

“Okay I am going to pass out Frayer Model worksheets, each one of you will get three. Individually I want you make one for each of the type of transformations, one for translation, one for reflection, and one for rotation. Write what you remember from yesterday and leave room for what we explore today.”

1) Hand out three Frayer Model worksheets to each student.

2) They will fill in the information based on what they remember from yesterday. They will leave room to add more information from what is covered today.

3) Once students have filled out the three worksheets, they will get with one different partner for each worksheet (so three partners, one for each worksheet).

4) They will compare what they each wrote and fill in any additional information they find.

Accommodations for ELLs: Xiaodu will be expected to look for three partners to share her answers and compare her worksheet. Because she struggles with listening and being able to gather information be just listening, she will be expected to paraphrase what her partners have written on their papers and not necessarily just write what she hears them say. This way she will be able to gain more information.

During Reading Activity: Jigsaw (35 minutes)

“Now that we have completed that, I am going to divided you guys into home groups of three people each.” Divide students into groups of three. Count them off by groups of 3. Allow them to form groups. “You guys are now in your home groups. Remember these groups. Now each one of you was given a number, either 1,2, or 3. Can I have all the 1s, all the 2s, and all the 3s in their groups.” Allow students to move. “These are your expert groups. Each group will become an expert in one of the transformations. Once this is done, you will return to your home groups and teach the rest of your home group your expertise and they will teach you theirs. You will then fill in the rest of your Frayer Model worksheets with what your experts teach you.”

1) Each student should have access to a computer with internet. In their expert groups each group will be assigned one article from Khan Academy.

2) They will read it and discuss what they read. They will also work together to complete the practice problems.

3) In these groups they will discuss what they will teach their homegroups about their topic. They will do this and fill out their own Frayer Model for their topic with what they share with their home group.

4) In the homegroups they will share and fill in the information shared into their Frayer Model worksheets.

Accommodations for ELLs: Xiaodu will have access to her dictionary and in addition to reading the article online, she will also have a printed-out version. She will still have her glossary handy. She will also be introduced to her article before class, so that she has time to read and take notes on it beforehand, so as to not run out of time.

“Now that our expert groups are ready, please return to your homegroups and share what you discussed with your homegroup. Remember to fill out your worksheets with what your experts bring to the discussion.”

After Reading Activity: Exit Slips (5 minutes)

“Okay, once you have finished in your homegroups with filling out your worksheets, go back to your individual desks. Please pick up an index card from the front and I would like you guys to answer some questions for me. Same style as yesterday, these are your exit slips, once you finish you can leave.” Write questions on the board.

1) Define rotations, reflections, and translation. Draw examples.

2) How do you feel about the article you had? Was it good? Did it have good information that was easy to understand and follow?

3) Do you think that the experts were able to give good information in your home group?