3: Perspectives

Dan Meyer’s video on math education as what he does as an instructor gives me hope for the future of education, especially math. The video allows for people who are not in the classroom setting to see the struggles of both educators and students. What is being done is not enough for the students to progress. We have to change the form of teaching we all think works because it does not. Meyer speaking up and then showing his alternative ways of classroom teaching and activities show that changing it up is not detrimental to the students. They will respond better to the educator because the educator has taken their complaints and struggles and worked to make sure that they were corrected and bettered. By working with students to think of problems in a different manner, you give them the ability to think and process the problem using what they know not what they were shown and mimicked. This gives them the tools to solve different, more difficult problems on their own without feeling like they were never taught it.